1 | end of an era

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San is standing in the doorframe to his bedroom, frozen in shock as he sees his boyfriend of many years, Park Seonghwa, sitting on top of another man half naked, heavily making out with the smaller man he is currently straddling.

The man's hands are holding onto Seonghwa's hips tightly as he pushes them down to grind against him, Seonghwa's moan bringing San back to reality.

He snaps out of his shocked state, pure anger and disappointment taking over him as he quickly approaches the two men, pretty much ripping his boyfriend off of the other's lap, Seonghwa's eyes widening now that he notices his boyfriend being here. Seonghwa tries to stop San then when he swings his fist and starts hitting the man in their bed, who lifts his arms up to cover his face in defense.

"San, stop!"

Seonghwa tries to pull San back by his shoulders, just to get pushed off harshly when San actually stops hitting the man on the bed, his head shooting into the direction of his boyfriend. His breathing is heavy, his eyes wide open with tears dwelling up in them. But San does not want to cry. He does not want to let his sadness out completely and give those two some kind of satisfaction, some kind of laughing material. So, despite feeling toyed with, feeling betrayed in the deepest of ways by someone he trusted more than anyone else, San manages not to cry.

"Why?!", he yells out, Seonghwa actually flinching at the volume of his voice, the other man on the bed just looking away with the most guilty expression.

Seonghwa's flawless face shows the same kind of guilt, suddenly feeling like he has just done the worst thing he could have ever done. He has not seen San like this before, this furious and sad. He has generally only ever seen him properly angry once, back in high school when the two of them came out to their parents as a couple after their families had talked badly of homosexuals. Back then, they had already been together for a while, best friends becoming more as soon as they decided to give in to their desires for one another, exploring their sexualities with each other. But right now, the sight of a completely broken San just makes Seonghwa feel like the worst kind of human, tears of complete and utter guilt filling his eyes right then.

"San...", he just says quietly, gulping right after that to try and get rid of the lump in his throat, which only stays exactly where it is. At the same time, his shaking hand slowly moves up towards San's face out of habit, to hold it and make him feel better. But San just slaps away his hand midway, wanting anything but Seonghwa's hands on him right now. Those hands that were all over another man just a minute ago. "Please..."

"Don't touch me!", San yells, Seonghwa's tears now falling freely. "Why?! Was it that bad to be with me? Am I a joke to you?!"

"No, San, I'm sorry -", he stops himself, sobbing while San just scoffs, rushing towards their wardrobe to take out a bag and shove all of his things inside, not caring about any of them creasing or maybe ripping somewhere at all. He ignores the sobs behind him, trying his hardest to contain himself and his tears. "San, please..."

Seonghwa gets up from the bed, the other guy getting up as well to get dressed while Seonghwa follows his boyfriend to the bathroom, where San packs the rest of his things hurriedly. He attempts talking to him a few times, but San would not listen, ignoring Seonghwa with all his might. He turns around to leave the bathroom, now faced with a crying Seonghwa, who keeps pleading, asking him not to go.

His heart shatters into a million pieces, the sight of Seonghwa like this and the image of him sitting on top of another man, touching another man and moaning for someone other than him - everything just feels so wrong. San stares at Seonghwa for a moment before he takes determined steps towards him, pushing him aside a little less harshly before he walks to the front door.

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