29 | everlasting love

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San drops the box in his hands to the floor, letting out a huff the moment he kneels down right next to it, starting to pack some of his remaining clothes inside.

"Is that the last one?"

He turns around when he hears the familiar voice, smiling a bit at the figure leaning against the doorframe to the bedroom with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He smiles back at San, chuckling slightly when he gives him a nod. Then he approaches him and kneels down on the ground right next to him, handing San some of the items from the wardrobe to put inside the box.

"Thanks.", San says and takes whatever he is being handed, just packing it away when his eyes suddenly catch a glimpse of something familiar. He huffs and reaches out towards it, pulling it out of where it is stored right in between some old pairs of pants that have not been worn in years. "Woah, I can't believe this is still here."

Seonghwa chuckles, watching how San opens their old yearbook from when they graduated high school, skimming through the pages and stopping at every photo with any of them in it, be it himself, Seonghwa or Soobin.

"Of course. Why would I get rid of it?", he asks and joins the other in laughing about a picture from one of their class trips, "It holds many memories. Good ones. Plus, it's yours anyway. Mine is at my parents' place back at home."

"So I can keep it?", San asks and Seonghwa nods.

"Of course you can.", he says.

Seonghwa chuckles when he sees one of the pictures on the page San has stopped at, showing both of them with Soobin, all three boys smiling brightly into the camera as they are standing in front of the entrance to a museum in Seoul, one they had gone to as one of their very last class trips in high school. For San and Seonghwa, it had been the second school trip to Seoul. For Soobin it was the first..

He points at something in it, immediately talking about the memories it awakens in him when the two of them laugh together like they used to do a lot before, taking their turns talking about anything they would suddenly start to remember.

"Ahh, I missed this.", San admits and closes their yearbook before putting it inside the box with his remaining clothes.

It took him a while to finally get back to his old place and gather everything he had left behind when he ran off, but he is finally here and he feels good. He is not in pain anymore like he used to be.

"Me too.", Seonghwa admits as well with a soft smile, "San, I know we have already talked about this, but I want to make sure you know that I am indeed very sorry about everything that has happened. I never wanted to hurt you like I did and I never wanted to lose you. Before anything, you have always been my best friend and I love you."

"I know.", San nods, putting a hand on Seonghwa's shoulder, "And yes, we have already talked about this, but I have told you I forgive you. You haven't lost me. We uhm... needed some time apart and now we can start over. I love you too."

The moment San is done speaking, Seonghwa lets out a relieved huff right before he is being pulled into a tight hug by his former lover and best friend. He thanks him in a whisper while San runs his hands up and down Seonghwa's back.

"I am really happy that you found someone and I hope that Wooyoung can make you happy in ways that I cannot any longer.", Seonghwa mumbles quiet enough for San to hear and a bright smile flashes across the previously pink haired man's face.

"And I hope the same for you and Hongjoong."

They met up in a cafe the week after the friend group trip to Yeonjun's beach house. San had called Seonghwa at some point and they met up to talk about everything that had happened. It was all they needed. To actually sit together and talk about everything while both of them have had some time to think and process. It also helps a lot that they had a moment to get over each other and what happened.

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