25 | how it began

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After Yeonjun and Soobin walked in on their best friends having sex on Soobin's couch, they immediately and quickly made them put some clothes on.

San got up immediately and put his underwear back on, Wooyoung doing the same while both of them could feel their cheeks being all hot from embarrassment, heavy feelings in their stomachs from getting busted in a very uncomfortable way. This is definitely not how they imagined or ever wanted Soobin and Yeonjun to find out about them.

San quickly put on a pair of sweatpants and tossed one over to Wooyoung as well, along with a plain white shirt he also gave to him to put on and wear. He himself also threw on a random black shirt before they joined their two best friends at the dining table.

So here they are now, both being embarrassed about what happened, while being faced by a very flustered and quiet Soobin and Yeonjun, who is frustratedly pinching the bridge of his nose as if he is trying to get rid of the images in his head as soon as possible by doing so.

"Choi San,", Yeonjun starts with a serious voice, very audibly sighing right after that, "this is not what I meant when I told you to get to know each other! What the hell were you thinking?"

"The hell do you mean? You were literally fine with me fucking anyone else? Like, you even told me I need to get laid, so what's the issue with San now, huh!?", Wooyoung loudly answers his best friend before San can say anything. Both him and Soobin just give each other awkward glances while the other two argue about what just happened.

"I told you to get laid, but not by San!"

"The fuck? You literally kept on telling me that Soobin has this really great guy as his best friend and that you were so happy about having befriended the guy as well, so what happened to that? Shouldn't you be happy about knowing the one I am with is someone you know and like?"

"But he is your fucking coworker, Wooyoung! We have rules in this office. No dating coworkers, remember?"

"Oh?", Wooyoung chuckles, absolutely not amused, "You mean the rule you yourself broke and demolished right after? How come you can let your employee fuck you and when I let his best friend close to me, that is not okay? You are not making any sense, Choi Yeonjun!"

"Jung Wooyoung, don't you dare come at me with that now! This is not how Changbin and I raised you!"

"Because you didn't?! You are not my mom, Yeonjun!"

Yeonjun quiets down for a second, blinking at his friend a few times before he quickly clears his throat, seeing Wooyoung's furious expression. He knows Wooyoung is right. Of course. Yeonjun is not his mom. But Yeonjun loves both Changbin and Wooyoung with all his heart and he would protect them at all costs. Just like a mother would as well, he would do whatever it takes to ensure their safety in all possible ways. He just wants all the best for them.

"S-still! I was the one they put as your contact in the hospital, not your mom! You are my best friend. Wooyoung, I fucking care about you and you literally met San for the first fucking time a few hours ago!"

"We knew each other before today.", San dares to speak up, the other three now and immediately looking at him.

Soobin just looks a little surprised, Yeonjun still furious, but also curious about what he has just heard and Wooyoung's face has gotten significantly softer than before as well. He only has eyes for the perfect features of this handsome pink haired man right next to him.

"How do you know each other?", Yeonjun asks with furrowed brows, "Through a dating app or something?"

"No.", San shakes his head, reaching his hand over to Wooyoung's on the table to hold on to it, giving him a soft smile before he turns back to their two best friends while completely ignoring the expression on Yeonjun's face looking like he is so very tempted to break their hands apart again, "You are going to think this is beyond crazy, but Wooyoung and I met that night I first came here after I caught Seonghwa and Hongjoong."

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