20 | once again

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The moment he woke up this morning, San decided to talk to Yeonjun today.

He got ready exceptionally fast and motivated and Soobin has been giving him weird looks all throughout and in between. He has asked him a few times how he is feeling and why he is so motivated and San just shrugged every single time and decided to happily tell him that he is just feeling really good for some reason.

Soobin decides to accept that and enters their workplace as usual with his best friend by his side. As always, people would be staring at them and seeing how San seems to be doing better than he did before, just makes him look even more attractive again as well. The more at ease he looks, the more others are swooning over him, walking so casually and looking as good as he always does anyway.

But throughout the entire workday, Yeonjun seems to be going anywhere that is not where San would be at. Catching him in a moment suitable to have a little chat seems to be the most impossible task ever.

They either keep walking past each other when Yeonjun would rush from meeting to meeting, not even having a moment to stop by Soobin as he usually would or Yeonjun would be talking to someone about work and San knows he cannot just come in and interrupt them. Especially considering that today seems to be somewhat problematic for their boss. He does not even have the opportunity to stop and tell them what is wrong and how they might even be able to help.

And just like that, lunch break time is starting and San being almost completely done with all his tasks for the quarter, just looks around all the time, trying to spot his boss.

Then after a little while of looking around and Soobin randomly giving him confused stares in between, San finally sees the door to Yeonjun's office open. Kai walks out first, followed by Beomgyu and Hongjoong and they exchange a few papers with Yeonjun, talking about something related to whatever they were just talking about inside the office room. Right when they are done, Kai and Beomgyu leave their office area and Hongjoong walks towards his desk behind San to get something.

San takes this opportunity and gets up, seeing how Yeonjun quickly exits the office area again. He calls after him while he quickly gets his things, ignoring Soobin's confused stare again as he walks out of the office, rushing after his very stressed looking boss, who is just in the elevator with his phone in his hand.

The doors close the moment San steps out and calls out to him again. He ignores the stares he is getting from all his coworkers from running like a maniac, mumbling and cursing under his breath until he also reaches the elevator doors. He presses the button quickly and many times after another, even though he knows too well that the stupid thing is not going to be here any sooner just because he is pressing the button repeatedly like this.

It feels like forever until the elevator doors finally open up again and San gets inside, immediately pressing the button to close the doors, followed by the one that takes him to the ground floor.

He is panting, catching his breath while the elevator gets down, his foot nervously tapping the floor over and over again without stopping. San just really hopes that he is able to catch Yeonjun before he is gone, knowing that lunch break is probably the only actual moment he would be able to have a little chat with him today.

San needs this. He has to talk to Yeonjun at all costs. He has to know how Yeonjun knows Wooyoung, has to know how it is even possible that he is a real human being.

How long have Yeonjun and Wooyoung known each other? How did they meet? How can San find Wooyoung again? How can he talk to him and contact him?

And how come he decided to appear at the office entrance the day San decided to give up on him after trying just one last time to find him.

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