28 | confessions

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The moment Yeonjun arrives at the shore, he looks around and quickly spots Wooyoung, who is sitting in the sand with his knees pulled up to his chest and his face buried in his arms. Yeonjun lets out a relieved breath and slowly approaches him.

"Wooyoung...", he starts, standing just behind him.

"Go away, Yeonjun.", Wooyoung answers, just after he finally stops sobbing.

"I know I am probably the last person you want to see right now, but I want to understand. I have been an idiot, I know."

There is silence between the two of them and Wooyoung has still not faced his best friend. After what feels like forever, he wipes his tears off his face and tells Yeonjun to sit down right next to him. He sniffles a few more times while calming down and looks at the water, the moonlight beautifully showing in its reflection.

Yeonjun does what he is told and sits down right next to his friend, taking a quick look at him before he follows his eyes and also looks forward into the water then.

"I didn't mean it.", Wooyoung breaks the silence, "I didn't mean it when I said you weren't my best friend. You are. You and Changbin are my only family. I love you guys the most."

Painful memories of how Wooyoung was basically discarded by his family for being who he is come back to him, painfully squeezing his heart in his chest. But the pain subsides the moment he remembers going to his best friends and them promising him to always be with him and never leave his side. Memories of many happy years with Changbin and Yeonjun come to mind and how they really are the only kind of family Wooyoung has ever needed.

The three of them have always looked out for each other, have always been there for each other in any way. What they have is special and never would they want to be apart.

They had made a promise to each other that day to always be together and support each other, no matter what anyone else might say or do.

"I know.", Yeonjun answers, "And I'm sorry for my behaviour."

"I just don't get it, you know. You were the one saying you would find me a new man and that I need to get laid and whatnot, but then I actually find someone, someone you know very well, and you go full on kdrama villain on us? I thought you liked him. I thought you wanted me to be happy."

"I- I do! I want nothing more than your happiness, but..."


"I got.. scared."

"Scared? Of what?"

"Losing you again."

And with that, Wooyoung finally turns to look at Yeonjun, who gulps and looks back to face him.

"Why would me being with San mean you would lose me?"

"I mean... speaking about you getting a new man is one thing, but you actually getting one is just... well, kind of close to impossible.", Yeonjun admits.

"Wow. That feels like some sort of strangely phrased insult. Thanks.", Wooyoung scoffs, actually a little hurt by Yeonjun saying he would not be able to get a guy.

"I don't mean it like whatever you are thinking I mean this as. I just know that you don't... fall in love so easily. So I wasn't expecting you to find anything other than a few casual connections with men. But you being in a relationship with San means that you would slowly but surely get away from me... and I cannot let you go again."

Wooyoung chuckles.

"That is why you kept us apart like that?", he asks and suddenly starts laughing, earning a frown from his best friend.

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