17 | all caught up

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He can feel the warmth of the sun shining on his face, his eyelids closed, but feeling the light shine right on them, making him squeeze his eyes closed tighter, his eyebrows furrowing as well. A quiet groan leaves him, the noises around him all just a blurry mess.

It sounds like he is within a huge crowd. Like those moments when you are trapped in an uncomfortable situation with many people around and try to tune out their voices somehow. But he is not trying to do that. No, he is trying the opposite.

Another groan leaves him, a little louder than the previous one as his eyes open for a split second before they fall shut again. He starts hearing a loud, high beeping noise in one ear, deciding to try again and again until finally, his eyes manage to stay open.

He lazily blinks a few times and slowly moves his head around to check out the entire area around him.

He is in a room that looks a little too familiar, one he has seen so many times, while at the same time not really at all. This one is a lot louder, the air in here smelling so very different as well.

"Doctor, here!", a female voice calls out loudly and comes running to him with a man in a white coat.

They talk about him, his mind still zoning out in between as it is still hard for him to focus. The man shines into his eyes with a flashlight, making him blink a few times afterwards to get used to the feeling. His focus is back, his eyes scanning over the name tag on his white coat. Kim Namjoon.

He does not feel like he has heard that name before, generally feeling strange here as a whole. He starts feeling his body again, slightly moving his toes, then his foot, doing the same with his fingers and hand.

His body feels so strange, so foreign. It feels like he is not himself, like he is trapped in someone else's body.

"How are you feeling, kid? Are you in pain?", the doctor asks, genuinely sounding like he is concerned about him.

He weakly smiles at that, shaking his head. The doctor returns the smile when he sees his expression.

"Do you remember your name?" He asks and the young man nods. "What's your name?"

"Jung... Wooyoung", he says, his throat feeling oddly dry.

The doctor notices, still smiling at him as he nods and tells the nurse to get Wooyoung something to drink.

He checks on him properly, asking him a few questions about his feelings and body, making sure that Wooyoung is alright.

The young man refuses to keep his day quiet and allows the doctor to set up a plan for him. So, from waking up in the morning and until the afternoon, he has regained control over his body and has been able to stand up, walking a few steps as well with the help of someone.

In the afternoon, Wooyoung is back in his bed and two people come rushing to his side, one of them immediately running right next to him to pull him into a tight hug.

Wooyoung chuckles, hugging his friend back tightly and closing his eyes at the feeling of having him close. The familiar warmth immediately making him a little emotional and his eyes water. But he does not cry like the other, lets his friend sob into his shoulder instead for as long as he needs to.

"Changbin... don't cry.", he says and gently rubs Changbin's back. "I am here."

Changbin sobs, chuckling in between and squeezing Wooyoung a little tighter again, which makes the patient laugh out while he playfully pretends to be in pain. Changbin laughs with him, their other friend smiling to himself at the sight.

"I'm sorry. I just missed you so much.", Changbin says and pulls back from the hug. "We did not know if you would ever actually open your eyes again, Wooyoung."

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