3 | choi choi choi

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"San... San... San!"

San's eyes shoot open when he hears his name being called out, Wooyoung's voice fading away as Soobin's is getting louder and louder.

He quickly sits up, finding himself now sitting on Soobin's couch, sunlight shining through the windows of the living room. He blinks a few times, trying to understand what just happened as he looks down on himself and sees the same clothes on him he has worn last night when he went out with his friends and while he was in that hospital building with Wooyoung.

Finding his phone lying right next to him on the couch, he grabs it, opening his phone camera without even checking anything else.

"Oh for fuck's sake...", San breathes out, seeing that his hair is indeed not blonde anymore, but pink.

"San, hurry the fuck up, man! You have ten minutes. I won't wait longer than that.", Soobin says and San locks his phone again, looking at his lock screen to check the time.

"Fuck!", he curses out and gets up immediately, running over to his bag to take out a suit and put it on in the bathroom, where he gets ready for work.

His shirt is crumpled badly, all of the others probably too. So he calls out to Soobin, who quickly gets him one of his own to wear, which San gladly accepts and puts on instead. Soobin decides to wait in the car then and San makes it just in time, needing exactly ten minutes to finish getting ready and getting into the car.

He is panting heavily as he sits in the passenger seat, opening Soobin's glove department in his car to get one of the bonbons he always keeps there in case he needs a quick breath boost.

"Wow, you made it just in time.", Soobin chuckles and starts the car, leaving his parking spot to drive to their workplace.

"Yeah, you could have woken me up earlier, you know.", San scoffs, his breathing now back to normal.

"Hey, I tried, okay? You would not wake up at all, so I got ready first and tried again afterwards. You have never slept this tightly before, though, so I was slightly overtaxed at the situation. Was it the alcohol? Did you have a good dream? You feeling alright?"

San thinks for a moment, trying to give Soobin a proper answer. The alcohol hit him hard last night, but this morning he is feeling surprisingly well, not at all as if he was out as badly as he was. Normally, whenever they go out for some drinks, it does not even matter how much he has had to drink, San would always feel the alcohol the next day. But this morning he is feeling surprisingly alright, only a bit weighed down because of his breakup, which he still tries to just push back in his head.

So, two of his friend's questions have already been answered.

The other one on the other hand just seems a bit harder for him to think about. Was he dreaming?

On one hand, that explanation probably makes the most sense, considering that San was indeed trapped in a place that is not supposed to be... working the way it did. A fancy hospital building with all electricity and facilities working, is not supposed to be completely empty with no people in it at all. There is not supposed to be only one guy in there and people are not supposed to randomly appear in there either like San did.

On the other hand though, he could have sworn that the moments he spent with Wooyoung, especially when he was hugging him tightly as he cried, were so sincere and real. He did not feel like he was in a dream. But yet again, he has not dreamed properly in a long time and dreams in general tend to feel pretty real sometimes, do they not?

His thoughts drift off so deeply that he completely tunes off the world around him, a smile unconsciously creeping up on his face.

"Yeah, I guess I was dreaming.", he just says and Soobin takes a quick glance at him before he chuckles at the sight of his best friend.

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