27 | beach house

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Lee always knows
Just you wait until we are at that beach house


Lee always knows
I mean it, Jisung
As soon as we are alone, I will fuck you so good you will never forget about it
Fuck, I miss the way you feel around me, kitten... gonna mess you up so bad you won't be able to walk anymore the next day
I am so ready to see your expression when you need to hold back your moans while you actually feel so good from my cock hitting your favourite spot with every thrust
I don't care about the others though, I will definitely make you scream, Jisung

Lord Kamal

Yeo Sensei
Oh istg... Minho you need Jesus

Sannie the Great
TMI, Minho...

Lee always knows
Wrong chat

Minho why T_T

Lee always knows
It's okay Hannie
At least we know they will give us a single room now

Bunny Bin Bin
What makes you so sure you will get that room though? We could also put you in a room with someone else to make sure we do not actually end up hearing Jisung moan bc none of us want to hear that.

Lee always knows
Oh? No problem. I don't mind fucking Jisung while someone's watching either.
Can I choose the person? I have someone in mind.

Lord Kamal
Why do I feel this ominous feeling of knowing who you mean

Lee always knows
I wonder why

Lord Kamal
You wouldn't dare

Lee always knows
Try me, bitch

Lord Kamal

Yeo Sensei
Nw guys I got this.

Sannie the Great
Okay okay you get the room. I will just share with Kai and Yeosang.

Yeo Sensei
Works for us.

Bunny Bin Bin
Good bc Yeonjun and I cannot take San in atm
He should also not share his room with Yeonjun's friends either. So this works.
I will tell Yeonjun to give Minsung that one room a bit further away from the others.

Lord Kamal
Oh thank goodness you exist, Soobin
Hopefully we won't hear anything then because NO THANKS

Lee always knows
You are still very welcome to watch, Kai <3

Lord Kamal
Minho I absolutely hate you

Lee always knows

Sannie the Great
Ok now
Make sure you guys have packed everything you need and arrive there in time. Soobin and I are also out now.

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