18 | into the new world

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"And do you have any pain left? Is there anything still troubling you?", Dr Kim asks the young man in front of him, his polite and professional smile always there to make Wooyoung feel a little less uncomfortable as he is still not liking the entire hospital living situation at all. He cannot wait to finally get out of here.

Not that he is being treated wrong or anything like that, no, it has actually been quite enjoyable, these past few weeks of him being here being filled with many hours of training and getting himself back in shape, as well as getting regular visits from both Yeonjun and Changbin.

But Wooyoung's issue with the place is the general hospital setting. After being trapped in this exact building all alone for a very long time, he could honestly not wait any longer to finally get out and leave. The farthest he has gotten out of the actual building so far has been the hospital garden area, which is still part of the property. But he wants to see beyond that, wants to get out and see the city again and visit some places he used to go to, places he would meet up at with his friends.

So he has been taking extra good care of himself while being here, ready to improve quickly and finally get out.

"Nah, I feel great.", Wooyoung answers the doctor with a bright smile, Namjoon being overall happy that his patient seems to be doing so well after his accident.

"I am really happy to hear that. If you are okay with it, I would like to do a quick checkup once again to see if there is anything we might be missing? After that you are of course free to leave. You will be discharged if everything is alright."

"Of course!", Wooyoung answers, the doctor chuckling at the excitement in the young man's voice.

So he starts the checkup, making sure that Wooyoung is doing well enough to leave the hospital.

Wooyoung is used to this by now, complying with everything Dr Kim is doing to finally get out of here as he wishes to do so badly.

When the doctor is done, he goes back to talking to Wooyoung, the two of them now back at the desk they started their conversation at right after they had had breakfast this morning.

"Well, Wooyoung, I have to give you a compliment for taking such great care of yourself ever since you woke up. You have improved really well and really quickly at that and I rarely see as much of a drive in patients as I have seen in you.", Namjoon says honestly, "Before you leave, do you have any questions you might want me to answer?"

Wooyoung thinks for a moment, but nothing comes to mind in particular, so he only jokingly asks if he is allowed to drink again, which Namjoon laughs about, telling him that while he would not recommend drinking too much, moderate alcohol consume should be alright.

So they say their goodbyes happily, Namjoon finally letting go of a previously comatose patient in a good way with the boy being healthy and ready to go back out into the world and own every moment. He wishes him all the best, watching how Wooyoung walks back to his room to get his stuff.

Wooyoung gets everything and leaves the hospital building, saying his goodbyes to some people on the way who have been there with him for a while. He walks towards the escalator, his heartbeat quickening a little bit in excitement as he is ready to leave this place for good. He steps onto the moving staircase and cannot stop his thoughts from wandering to a certain moment he has shared on here with a special someone, his mind trying its hardest to push his image out of Wooyoung's mind completely. After all, he is still hurt. Hurt from the vision of a man he has only been able to see in his very long dream while being comatose.

So he shakes his head slightly, trying to concentrate on this moment here instead and as he stands in front of the entrance he has stood in front of so many times before when he wanted to leave but could not, he pauses. He stops walking and just stands there staring at the glass doors with a quick heartbeat and shaky breath.

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