10 | picnic stories

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The moment San's eyes open, he looks to his side and spots Wooyoung, the gorgeous male sitting next to him on a blanket. The sun is out and they are sitting underneath a tree, different kinds of sandwiches and other finger foods spread out in front of them, while a picnic basket is right next to them.

Some children are running around, other picnic blankets and baskets everywhere with different families or couples, who seem to enjoy their time together.

There is a little playground in the middle of the park, not far from San and Wooyoung, with a jungle gym, swings and some small carousels for kids.

Behind Wooyoung, San can see a small stage with a live band that is playing music for everyone in the park to hear.

The moment Wooyoung sees San, he smiles brightly, San's heart skipping a beat as he spots the man he has been waiting to see all night. Wooyoung closes the distance between them and gives San a kiss, the pink haired male gladly returning it and smiling right afterwards.

"Welcome back.", Wooyoung says, his lips only inches apart from San's and his voice is low.

"I missed you.", San says and quickly pecks Wooyoung's lips. Wooyoung giggles a little, enjoying the way San makes him feel with the tiniest gestures.

"I missed you too.", he says and leans in to kiss San properly again. His hand finds his way to San's neck to pull him closer and deepen the kiss. San moans a little bit into Wooyoung's mouth, so the brunette takes his chance to slip his tongue inside and deepen the kiss even further.

San's hands travel to Wooyoung's waist and as he is about to pull him onto his lap, the loud sound of children happily screaming pulls them back to reality. They stop kissing, both looking into the direction of the playground again as they realise they are not alone, but that there are definitely little children around who should not see whatever they were about to do.

So the couple looks back into each other's eyes and they start laughing, giving each other one last peck before they sit normally across from each other and check out the dishes in front of them and tasting some together.

"You were late today. Did anything happen?", Wooyoung asks after a little while of tasting foods, not looking into San's eyes because he is scared of his reaction for some reason.

What if San feels annoyed? What is Wooyoung is being too clingy right now?

He gulps, feeling a bit stupid for worrying so much about San just being a bit later than usual. While Wooyoung would usually check the entire hospital building once and then appear somewhere with San, this time he walked through the building longer, one and a half times in total before they appeared right here in this park.

Wooyoung thinks of the feeling he felt when he started his second round of searching the hospital building.

He remembers finishing his search as usual and feeling so excited and happy to be taken out of there as he always would, but this time it did not happen. Instead he just waited for a bit, the smile on his face fading with every second and the happiness being replaced with a mix of fear and panic.

After a few minutes of waiting, he decided to gulp down his anxiety and forget the thoughts of San possibly not coming back for him anymore and Wooyoung started searching again instead. He started where he finished off before and decided to search every area back to where he started the previous round.

Maybe, just maybe, San was just somewhere in there again like the first time they met and Wooyoung just had to find him again.

He kept holding onto that thought, pushing away the panic and tears as best as he could before at some point, he was pulled out of his desperate search and ended up right here with San in this park.

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