7 | karaoke

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San's eyes open mid-moan and he wakes up panting, his eyes wide when he realises that he is back in Soobin's living room and was probably even loud enough to be heard by the house owner.

He curses out quietly, punching the couch as soon as he knows that Wooyoung is certainly not here with him anymore. The last thing he remembers is them kissing and how he was grinding against Wooyoung before suddenly waking up here.

The pink haired man sighs when he reaches down to lift off his blanket to look down on himself, immediately and undeniably noticing the very present bulge in his sweatpants.


Choi San has just woken up from a wet dream with a guy that is not even real.

He has created this image of a perfect and beautiful human in his head that he keeps meeting in his dreams for some reason and San was even ready to sleep with said man in his fucking dreams.

"Something is wrong with me...", he concludes, realising he might be a bit too desperate now that he is both single and has managed to break up with Seonghwa twice - once in real life and once in his dreams.

Should San try and let it all out? Should he try and find someone to sleep with? Someone to let off some steam with?

He thinks for a moment, already having unlocked his phone to scroll through the App Store and see what dating apps he could possibly use. But he decides against downloading any of them, instead just locking his phone again, throwing it aside onto the couch and frustratedly gliding his hands over his face while covering his eyes.

Instead of laying here and waiting for his dick to calm down by itself, San gets himself a set of fresh clothes and enters the bathroom, deciding to take a shower before he would start into the day.

So, he puts his clothes to the side and puts a towel on top of them before he takes off his sweatpants and underwear and slips into the shower, turning on the water first to adjust its temperature.

And then San just starts to shower, washing his hair and face first in hopes of calming down in the meantime, but he does not. It is not working.

"Wanna know if we fucked?"

Wooyoung's voice reappears in San's head and he leans back against the wall of the shower, his right hand gliding down from his chest to his stomach and further down afterwards until he is holding his hard member in his hand. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, his hand slowly starting to move up and down his length.

"Fuck... what am I even doing..."

"I don't know if that helps, but I think you look pretty hot like this."

San groans out, his grip on himself tightening a little bit as well.

He is squeezing his eyes close to not see any of his surroundings at all, imagining that the hand that is touching him right now is not his own, but someone else's - the hand of a certain brunette that keeps entering his mind.

San remembers the warmth coming from Wooyoung whenever they hugged. He remembers the way Wooyoung's skin feels, all soft and flawless. He remembers the feeling of Wooyoung's hot breath against his ear or his lips, the way he looks at San all the time, quite possibly even knowing how captivating he is.

San tries his hardest to stay quiet, biting his lip as he keeps touching himself while not even remembering just how long it has been since the last time he has done this.

The sound of Wooyoung's moans from last night comes back into his mind now, a low moan now leaving San as well. He furrows his brows, still quite torn between feeling good at the memory and feeling bad because of how weird and wrong this all might be.

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