15 | pink dye and stolen kisses

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"-n? San? Hey, Choi San!", San blinks a few times as he is being pulled out of his thoughts by his best friend, who snaps his fingers right in front of San's eyes. He faces Soobin, giving him an apologetic smile. "Were you even listening to me at all?"

"Sorry.", San answers, pressing his hands against each other right in front of his chest. "I was somewhere else with my mind. What were you saying?"

San would not even have to explain anything. After all, Soobin is not blind and could see himself that San was not present attention wise. He would zone out like this often and in a way Soobin is just glad that they are together most of the time, thinking that San might even end up getting himself into trouble when randomly zoning out sometime in the middle of the street or something. Like this he can at least look after him a little.

Soobin sighs. In a way, this is what he was expecting San to be like after his breakup with Seonghwa. His behaviour right now is coming a little late for that though, making him and Yeonjun talk and wonder for a while now if this might have anything to do with the new guy San was seeing.

But then again, his relationship with Seonghwa was going on for years, the two of them sharing so many firsts and important moments together. Soobin also knows that San was very much in love with his ex boyfriend.

And the guy he was seeing after the breakup? They had only known each other for a little while and while he seems to have helped San with getting over Seonghwa, Soobin doubts that is enough for his friend to be this upset now. More upset than San was after ending a long lasting relationship with someone who was already important to him before getting together.

Soobin also figures that San could not possibly have gotten all too close to the new guy, as he was wondering when they met up anyway. After all, Soobin and San are together most of the time and Soobin is sure that Yeosang or any of the others would have told him, had San been seeing anyone while they were with him.

"I was saying that your roots have grown out a lot. Any idea what you want to do? Go back to blonde? Back to black? Keeping the pink? Getting a completely new color?"

San thinks for a moment. His roots have indeed grown out a lot since the last time he dyed it. Usually he would always be keeping up on his hair appointments, never letting his roots grow out as much as he has been doing now.

But Soobin is right... what does he want to do now that his roots are clearly showing from San neglecting his visits at the barber's?

"I like your hair by the way."

"Pink suits you really well."

"I don't know if that helps, but I think you look pretty hot like this."

His mind wanders off to a certain someone again, remembering the exact tone of his voice and the night San found out about his pink hair on the first day he met Wooyoung. Wooyoung always made sure to tell him how much he liked the pink hair, mentioning a few times that he does not think every person would look this good with that particular color.

So he smiles to himself a little.

"I think I will keep the pink. Just... a little different than the current shade. A bit less bright, maybe a tiny bit more wearable?"

Soobin smiles back, nodding as he agrees with his best friend, also thinking that San looks good with that hair color and should indeed try to keep it in a way. He has gotten used to it by now as well, missing the black or blonde from before less than expected.

So they text Yeosang, asking him to touch up San's hair color after work, which Yeosang immediately agrees to. He loves doing this, dyeing his own hair a lot before he actually ended up teaching in school. While he was still studying at university, he would always try different shades on himself as well, experimenting with many different looks and styles. During this time, Jisung would try to help him in between, applying the hair dye most of the time because he wanted to make sure that Yeosang's hair would be colored evenly.

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