12 | stormy seas

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When San opens his eyes, he finds himself on a huge ship, a storm keeping everyone on board busy trying to steady the huge wooden vessel.

He sits there, panicking, not knowing what to do at all and clinging onto a pole until the crew seems to have steadied the ship to some extent. San's heartbeat quickens vehemently and his nails dig into the wooden pole he is holding on to, trying to keep himself on there as well as possible.

"Captain, there is someone!", someone calls out and all of a sudden, a commotion starts and people gather around San. People who look like pirates of some sort.

The crowd gathers around him and only opens up on one side to let their captain walk through and San's eyes widen the moment he sees who the guy looks like.

"Y- Yeonjun?"

The captain, looking exactly like his boss, pulls out his sword and holds it up and underneath the scared male's chin, looking at him with a sceptical expression.

"Who are you to call me so casually?!", he suddenly yells out angrily, his tone full of authority, but on a whole different level than in he office. His people immediately start cheering him on from around.

But San does not answer the question. Instead, he looks around in hopes of finding anyone else he might know, his eyes quickly landing on Minho, who is standing somewhere in the crowd with his usual blank expression. So San acts before thinking and slips past the captain's sword, ignores his angry voice calling after him and runs over to Minho, tightly hugging his friend and clinging onto him all desperately now, just so happy to see him here - to know he is not alone.

"Minho...", he starts and gulps down his relieved tears, but he does not have another moment to say anything else as he is forcefully ripped off his friend and thrown to the floor, a very angry Jisung standing in front of him with clenched fists. Minho's blank expression has changed into an ugly grin, as if he knows what is to come and ready to enjoy it from the front row.

"Jisung?!", San calls out and Jisung breathes heavily, his teeth gritted as he approaches San with heavy footsteps, accompanied by loud cheering from the group of pirates around them. "No no no! Jisung it is not what it -"

But before he can finish that sentence, Jisung has already grabbed him by the hair, slamming San's head into the wooden floor. He throws punches afterwards, ignoring San's pleas and cries completely. Sure, physically he would be able to just punch back and actually and properly fight with Jisung, but mentally, that is not an option for him. The thought of beating his friend up is enough to hurt him more, enough of a reason for him to feel even sadder. He would much rather endure whatever this here is right now, even though this is not any easier for him to understand.

San is hurting on the inside as well as he is on the outside. This is all just too much for him to handle in addition to him accepting right after going to sleep the moment Yeosang brought him back to his own place and put him on his couch, that he is indeed totally insane.

When Jisung is done, he stands up straight, spits on San, whose body is aching horribly from Jisung's kicks and punches, and points a finger at him when he says:
"Do not touch what is mine so carelessly!"

He kicks San into the stomach one last time, the man on the floor groaning out in pain. He is too weak to move much, his body there on the floor all weak and throbbing while he can now hear laughter all around him, even spotting the rest of their friend group, who are joining everyone as well, proudly laughing at the little beating session they were able to witness just now.

A hand finds its way into San's hair and forcefully pulls up his head to make him look back into the captain's eyes, who is smirking at the guy underneath him.

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