13 | caught in the act

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San sighs, guilt overcoming him as he realises that he has indeed been too harsh to Wooyoung.

Sure, he is not real, so in a way San really thinks it is unnecessary for him to feel bad, but they have spent a lot of time together and San is still thankful for Wooyoung's help in getting over Seonghwa.

No matter if he accepts or understands this or not, Wooyoung is important to him. He has made him feel... things. Bad things, but good things at least as much. More actually.

Sighing yet again, San gets up, absentmindedly taking off Yeosang's sweatpants that he was kind enough to lend him for the night, folding them neatly and placing them on the edge of the couch. Then he grabs his clothes from last night, puts them back on and immediately leaves Yeosang's place without even waiting for him to wake up. He simply leaves a note on the pair of sweatpants he wore last night, thanking Yeosang for taking him out and taking care of him afterwards.

San waits at the bus stop at the end of Yeosang's street and takes the next bus back to Soobin's place. He gets inside and shows his company pass to the driver, earning a nod back as he understands and lets him through. San takes a seat somewhere in the middle of the bus and drops down on it, sighing deeply while his mood is still not the best.

He is starting to regret his actions again, recalls the hurt expression Wooyoung has had when he pushed him away and remembers the pain and confusion he himself has felt as well last night.

The entire moment before with San suddenly appearing on that pirate ship with his friends being there as well, just messed with his mind too much in that moment. Seeing Minho gave him so much hope at first, but the moment Jisung attacked him and everyone cheered him on for it and the more he got kicked and punched by someone he loves dearly, the more hurt San got inside.

After all, he cares so much about is friends. They are like a second family to him, especially since he has not been seeing his parents much ever since San went to university. It is only on important occasions or when San actually finds time to go and visit his parents at home that he gets to see them. They rarely came to visit him anyway. Sure, they love their son and they liked Seonghwa too, but with Seonghwa being extremely neat and having his own types of house rules, they never felt too comfortable when they came to visit and decided to stop doing so altogether after a while.

Now that San is actually awake and able to think about the events of last night, he is sure that getting beaten up by someone he thinks of as one of his closest friends and then getting thrown into stormy waters by the entire group of friends he has, as well as them watching his weak and beat up body fall into the water, waiting for him to die somewhere down there, was just too much for him to handle. That must have been what got him to snap.

And once he ended up in his panicked state, he was not able to think straight anymore and behaved like an absolute asshole towards Wooyoung.

San sighs and takes out his phone and earphones, connecting them as he opens Spotify to play his favourite playlist. He listens to it on the entire way home, from the rest of the bus drive and the time it takes him to walk from the bus stop to where he is currently staying - Soobin's house.

His expression is still a little sad, he himself keeps looking down all along, absolutely scared of falling asleep again later. He would have to face Wooyoung and he would have to think about how to apologise to him properly. It scares him, thinking that there is a chance that Wooyoung might not forgive him. He shoves away that thought though and enters Soobin's home with the spare key he had been given, just walking inside and getting something to drink in the kitchen.

And while San has his earphones in, his music blasting loudly, he does not even notice the commotion coming from Soobin's room.

"Aaahhh yes yes yes! Right there, Soobin, please, I am so close -"

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