21 | made for each other

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"Your place or a hotel?"

Wooyoung repeats San's question in his head before he finally believes what he has just heard. It almost takes him no time at all to understand what San meant to tell him with that question and having waited for this for so long, he does not have to think twice about his answer.

He gulps and turns towards the screen in San's car, immediately clicking on the navigation system to enter his address. San watches him while he does that, admiring his side profile and the way his fingers tap the screen. But even if Wooyoung was not doing anything at all, San would have admired him just as much.

He cannot necessarily think too much about anything in particular though as he feels this sudden need of just wanting this man by his side. San cannot think of anything other than literally every single aspect of Wooyoung.

Right now, he is not questioning anything either. No, he is just taking in his every move, like recording a video in his head.

Meanwhile Wooyoung has started the navigation by now, San following the instructions while both of them are not saying anything at all, both too busy with their thoughts and San also with driving.

Overall, it does not take them too long to drive to Wooyoung's and San parks the car where Wooyoung tells him to before they halt and turn to look at each other again.

Wooyoung suddenly feels somewhat panicked and turns away, quickly getting out of the car to get some air while he walks to the door, fumbling with his keys and somehow not able to manage properly grasping the right one. He does not know why he is so nervous.

Maybe that is because he is so whipped for San? Maybe that is because he has been wanting San since day one? Or maybe that is just because Wooyoung is a little scared of being a disappointment for some reason, considering that the one person he does not want to disappoint is San.

He suddenly feels a presence right behind him, his breath hitching in his throat when San's hands move to Wooyoung's hips, holding them from both sides. He can feel his hot breath on his neck, his own hands freezing as he is standing there, his eyelids lowering at the feeling of San just being so close to him right now.

San gently glides his nose up Wooyoung's neck, kissing him behind his ear as he listens to the sound of Wooyoung's breathing. Then he chuckles and lifts one of his hands to take Wooyoung's keys.

"Which one?", he asks with a gentle smile, now stepping to the side a little so he can look at Wooyoung a little better. His free hand is still on Wooyoung's hip and the moment Wooyoung sees those dimples and the perfect smile of the man he has missed so much, he calms down a little as well and gives San one of his own signature bright smiles.

Wooyoung takes his keys back out of San's hand, now pretty much back to his old self. Why was he even nervous? He knows San and this San right here is the exact same person he has met before. There is really nothing for him to worry about.

So Wooyoung takes the right key and unlocks the door. He grabs a hold of San's tie and as soon as the door is open, he pulls him inside, the other being caught off guard and stumbling in. When they are inside, Wooyoung immediately turns them around so his own back is in the direction of the door, before he walks back, pushing the door close with his back and pulling San closer with his tie to connect their lips.

He is not wasting any time, just wants to feel San being close to him like before. He has been waiting for this. Both of them have been waiting for this.

San wastes no time either, immediately kissing Wooyoung back, his heart feeling like it is hammering against his chest as he tastes the familiar taste of Wooyoung's lips on his own, enjoying the feeling as much as he can. He has missed him so much. So much that he does not want to let go of him anytime soon.

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