14 | workload

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His eyes open and he immediately sits up, quickly looking around and furrowing his brows in confusion. Sunlight shines into the room, but no matter what this all might or might not be right now, he is all alone. There is no one here with him.

So he looks to his side, picking up his phone to check the time and date and it is then that San realises:

He did not dream of Wooyoung for the first time after over a month.

He huffs, quickly shaking his head and thinking he might have just ended up in an actual real life situation within his dream and that Wooyoung will be coming in soon. After all, they have even time travelled into some alternate universe before in which they encountered versions of their high school selves and whatnot, so being here right now in an alternate version of Soobin's place, would not be too strange.

That thought gets diminished real quick though, as his work alarm starts ringing and the door to Soobin's bedroom opens, revealing him in his suit, ready to go to work soon after getting into the bathroom before.

And with that realisation, San feels a painful throb in his chest, a sudden fear overcoming him.

Is the reason why Wooyoung did not appear in his dream last night that he is still hurt from the night before? Is San just not ready to face Wooyoung yet? Maybe he just needed some time to himself?... I will just talk to him tonight instead.

"Oh? You're already awake?", Soobin asks, looking at San with a surprised expression on his handsome face. "Better get ready then. Yeonjun said we are meeting some Europeans tomorrow to expand the new cosmetics line, so we need to get everything ready for tomorrow when they arrive. Good that you're awake because the more people are coming in early today, the better."

San just nods and Soobin enters the bathroom, getting himself fully ready while San gets dressed, walking inside the bathroom just before Soobin is done, who walks out and puts on his shoes. He sits down on the couch, scrolling through his phone for a moment, until San is ready as well and the friends leave the house to drive to their workplace as they usually would.

The moment they arrive at the office, everything seems extra busy, Kai immediately coming to greet them with exhaustion already evident in his features. San glances at his watch to check the time, feeling like they have walked in a few hours late or something, considering that almost everyone is here and also fully into their work already. But they are here in time, even an hour earlier than their usual arrival time.

"What's happening? Why is everyone so... motivated?", San asks, looking around the office. Soobin just nods, as he was expecting things to be busy today, but not quite as much as they actually are right now. This is all a lot more on the move than he was expecting.

"We have guests here tomorrow, important clients from Europe who might help us expand our cosmetics line. We might actually be able to see our products in their countries soon, but we need to do well on everything. Mr Choi said to try our best to make them feel as welcome as possible.", Kai explains, the other two nodding at him.

"Where is Yeonjun?", Soobin asks and Kai points to Yeonjun's office, which Soobin immediately approaches and enters to be by his boyfriend's side. He can only imagine how stressed Yeonjun probably is right now and wants to try his best to make him feel a little more relaxed.

Kai asks San to join the planning group for the culinary preparations, a group that will be responsible for the foods and drinks served to the guests.

So San does exactly that, not even stopping by his desk before he walks over to the meeting room they are supposed to be in and gets in, seeing a total of four people sitting there:
Kang Taehyun and Jeong Yunho from finance, as well as Choi Beomgyu and Kim Hongjoong from his own department.

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