4 | stars in his eyes

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San's eyes open and he finds himself away from Soobin's home again, this time remembering clearly that he fell asleep on the couch after having a great time out with Soobin. They bonded over his best friend's newfound love, Soobin completely opening up to San about all of his feelings and the entire story of how things started between him and Yeonjun.

And love is exactly what this is all about. Because the way Soobin's eyes lit up when he talked about Yeonjun, the way he smiled and the way his expression softened as well - San knows this kind of feeling. He had been there with Seonghwa before. He knows his friend is in love with their boss.

But he is not sure if the other feels the same way towards him or if there is something else keeping him interested in Soobin. What if Yeonjun is not serious about him at all?

It definitely seems to annoy him that San is so close to him in general but probably especially ever since they awkwardly met at Soobin's home entrance. San knows Yeonjun is definitely jealous, but that does not mean he loves Soobin. Other possibilities that come to his mind when he thinks about Mr Choi's possible intentions, are lust or possibly also just the control and authority he has over his employee, giving him some sort of kick.

And San does not like that at all.

It is already more than enough that San was betrayed and hurt by the one he had given his heart to, but Soobin? San would not let the same kind of pain happen to Soobin. He has never heard him speak about anyone the way he did when he talked about Yeonjun, never seen him look the way he did... this is probably the first time he has seen his best friend completely whipped for someone. He swears in that moment:
If Mr Choi dares to hurt Soobin, I swear I will -


San's eyes meet Wooyoung's, the brunette beauty immediately smiling brightly when he sees the other before he runs up to him and jumps in his arms to hug him tightly. San stumbles back when Wooyoung jumps up, reflexively wrapping his arms around Wooyoung's torso to catch him as Wooyoung wraps his legs around San as well. Happy laughter is being heard from the one being carried, the other's eyes wide in surprise at this situation.

"Wooyoung?", San just asks and blinks a few times, chuckling a bit at Wooyoung's excitement.

"You came back!", Wooyoung yells out happily, a bright smile now on San's face as well. Wooyoung moves a little to now look at San's face and his hands move up to the back of his head, gliding between his pink hair strands when he makes the handsome visitor look at him properly as well now, their faces yet again being close to another. "I cannot believe you came back...", Wooyoung adds, his voice noticeably quieter and softer than before, the bright smile on his face now accompanied by watery eyes. It feels to San like Wooyoung is almost not believing his own eyes.

"Yeah, I guess I did...", San says quietly, his heart squeezing together in his chest when he sees the mix of excitement and happiness in Wooyoung's eyes, his watery eyes not staying unnoticed for long at all either. He himself feels something tingle inside of him with Wooyoung being so close that San almost feels like he can make out exactly what Wooyoung feels like as well.

"I thought you wouldn't...", his smile fades a little, now looking a bit sadder than it did before.

"Why is that?"

"You hugged me and when I closed my eyes, you were suddenly all gone.", Wooyoung says quietly, both his thumbs caressing the sides of San's neck, "I searched every corner of that building trying to find you, but you were gone."

"I'm sorry... I did not want you to feel alone again..."

"No need to apologize. You did not even meet me on purpose the first time. I think you did not leave on purpose either.", Wooyoung says. "Besides, what matters more is that you came back."

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