30 | 우산 | <3

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~ bonus chapter ~

"Is this even okay? What if we get caught?", Yeonjun asks, slightly panicking and panting in what is a mixture of fear and exhaustion from running here.

It is sometime around five in the evening and the two thirteen year old young boys, as well as their freshly turned fourteen year old best friend have snuck out of the museum they have been in with their class.

Well, actually, Wooyoung got really bored and told Changbin, who was rather hungry and not feeling the museum either. So the two of them basically just grabbed Yeonjun and dragged him along while they would sneak out without their teachers noticing. They would just have to make sure to be back at the meeting point in time so Mrs Park would not notice anything about them ditching their museum tour like they did.

They are currently on an overnight trip for a few days, already having seen some parts of Seoul, while absolutely not being interested in anything that has been shown to them so far. But as underage students in a class environment, they would have to endure this all somehow and just hope things will get better as their trip schedule keeps going. Plus, being on a school trip of any sort is better than sitting in class.

"Yeah, yeah, stop worrying so much every single time, Yeonjun.", Changbin says, rolling his eyes, "You really are so very boring sometimes. We won't get caught. Just make sure to check the time in between. We have around an hour until we need to be back at the meeting point."

"Yah! I'm not boring, Changbin!", Yeonjun argues, angrily looking at his best friends.

So while the two boys keep bickering, Wooyoung only chuckles at the way too familiar scene and shushes them the moment he feels like he has heard the voice of Mrs Park passing by. Now, he is not sure if she actually walked past their hiding place near the museum's entrance just now or if his mind is playing tricks on him from being all paranoid from being scared of getting caught, but Wooyoung feels like he should rather be safe than sorry.

Taking their chance, the boys sneak off and finally leave the building, running for a little bit once they are outside, so they would get some distance between them and the building with all their classmates and their two teachers inside of it. They laugh along to it, the thrill and excitement being overwhelming to a point that makes them feel so glad to be sharing the feeling with their best friends - with each other.

It does not actually become noticeable to Wooyoung at all for quite a while and until he has stopped running that he has lost his two friends somewhere along the way. He is panting heavily, his heartbeat quick from the incredible speed he has pushed out of himself and his laughter slowly dies down while he looks around hurriedly and with furrowed brows.

"Guys?", he calls out, "Changbin? Yeonjun?"

But neither of the two answer Wooyoung and he quickly takes out his phone to check the time and enter their group chat.

Where are you guys?

And to Wooyoung's surprise, it does not take them long at all to actually read his message and start typing.

Sorry, we lost you somewhere along the way...
Changbin saw some food stand and ran into a different direction, so I followed him out of instinct. When I turned to look for you, you were gone...
Where are you though? Wait there and we will come looking for you.

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