9 | celebrations

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It has been a month.

It has been a month since the night San and Wooyoung decided to start dating and it is going better than San has ever expected.

That time at the beach San vanished pretty soon after Wooyoung happily hugged him. They had cuddled for a little while and when San felt all nice and warm and comfortable with Wooyoung's head on his chest and the brunette's arm around his slim waist, he woke up again in Soobin's living room.

But there was not a single night within the past month, in which they were not together. And San has never been happier.

Him and Wooyoung have been to many places, have been in so many different situations and made the best out of it all. They have seen and done so many more things that San has never been able to do before. But even though they did so much, there was not a single time in which he felt like he would like to be anywhere else.

Even if they ended up somewhere San would not typically want to go to, Wooyoung's mere presence was enough to make him want to be there and enjoy their time together. Because they were together.

With Wooyoung being who he is, all beautiful and sweet, but also a walking tease full of confidence who keeps giving San very obvious hints that he wants more, wants San in all possible ways while almost driving him crazy at any given opportunity - San has found it surprisingly easy to pretty much completely get over Seonghwa fairly quickly.

They have not slept with each other yet. Sure, they have kissed and made out, San has given the other occasional hand jobs as well. But they have not done more than that yet and even though Wooyoung desperately wants to change that, he accepts that San wants to wait.

And San loves that about Wooyoung. There are so many things about the other that he finds incredibly irresistible and his feelings for him have only grown so far.

Everything is so different to how it was with Seonghwa. But different in a good way. Different in a way that San enjoys so very much.

San smiles at the thought of Wooyoung, yet again so happy that he came into his life when he needed him the most.

"Hey, San!", a voice calls out and San looks up at his colleague, Choi Beomgyu, who is now standing in front of him with a smile of his own, papers and folders in hand. San raises an eyebrow at him and nods. "Mr Choi is inviting us all out for drinks later. Are you going to be there as well?"

San thinks for a second, surprised about the question at first, before remembering that they have reached the end of the quarter and Mr Choi has always made sure to invite the entire department out for drinks when they did a good job, reaching goals he sets at the beginning of each of the quarters.

He sees Soobin walking inside their office area and waves at him.

"Hey, Soobin!", he calls out and Soobin waves back, "Beomgyu asked if I am going out for drinks with everyone later. Are you going?"

Soobin reaches them and smiles at Beomgyu and San, casually putting an arm around Beomgyu's shoulder.

"Of course! You're not coming?", he asks and raises his eyebrows, confused as to why San would possibly not want to go.

"Well,", San starts and looks back at Beomgyu who asked him the question in the first place, "if Soobin is going, then so am I."

He hears a chuckle from behind him, turning around to see Hongjoong with an amused expression.

"San..", Soobin starts nervously, knowing that Hongjoong and San rarely speak because of what happened with Seonghwa. They tend to avoid each other at work and when Soobin had asked him about why he was so distant to only Hongjoong, San told him everything. So with Soobin filled in on the entire situation, he fears that his best friend might start a fight at work or do anything he might regret later.

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