5 | office additions

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San wakes up in the morning feeling better than expected.

He thought he might feel pain, regret maybe for basically just fully changing a familiar tradition to something else. But he is alright. Very much so at that.

In general, he is now fully aware and sure that his time with Wooyoung is fully happening in his dreams. Wooyoung is most definitely not real and the connection he feels towards him - according to his current suspicions - is because he might be a part of his subconscious.

Thinking of Wooyoung as a part of San's mind feels like it makes the most sense. But at the same time... he feels like that would be a next dimension of weird.

It fully makes sense because Wooyoung appeared the moment San was feeling his worst. He was trapped in a very big and lonely place for "a long time", without anyone ever coming to visit him. Plus, the two of them connected instantly. Ever since the beginning, San has felt like he has known Wooyoung for a long time, like the two of them were just feeling a bit too familiar with each other to have met for the first time.

It also surprises San how he has been less panicked and weirded out when randomly appearing somewhere with Wooyoung than what he would have expected himself to. When he appeared in that hospital, he just kind of accepted it as well.

And what is the strangest about all of this is that Wooyoung is really helping his situation so quickly it actually worries San a bit.

Seonghwa was his first boyfriend. They have been together for years. They were friends before that too. Seonghwa was a huge part of his life to say the least. He has only known Wooyoung for two nights.
But why is it so strangely easy to move on from their relationship?

Is it the immediate contact to Wooyoung? Is it because he cried his eyes out and got wasted the night it happened and kind of wrapped everything up like this? Is it of help that he knows the one who did the mistake was Seonghwa, not San?

He does not know at all, but San is also not complaining about all of this. After all, he was kind of scared his breakup would deeply affect his life in a negative way for a while afterwards, but this is actually nice. Everything feels kind of like the entire friends to lovers trope he went through with Seonghwa was all a dream.

"Yeonjun, calm down...", Soobin says quietly while holding his phone and hurries from the bathroom to his bedroom, half dressed and getting ready for work. San blinks a few times, still lying on the couch while only his head slightly turns into his friend's direction. "No, no, don't say that."

San chuckles quietly, a satisfied smile on his face from hearing that Soobin is on a call with his beloved. At least one of them is happy with someone right now.

Well, not like San is all alone, but considering that the one he is spending his best time with is a part of his dreams, San is pretty much all alone.

"What would have happened if you were real though?", San whispers to himself, wondering while Wooyoung's flawless face and his perfect smile appear in his mind, memories of last night flooding through his head.

"Yeonjunnie, please... no, I don't think so. Yes, I am serious.", Soobin's voice is being heard from inside his room now, the door slightly open from hurrying inside and not closing it properly. San chuckles again and actually gets up to get ready for work. His best friend hears him move outside and decides to quickly end his call with their boss, his voice immediately getting really quiet when he says: "Look, baby, let's talk at work? San is here right now and I think we should rather talk in private. Yes. Alright, see you in a bit."

The handsome young man hangs up and feels the heat rush into his cheeks. The way Yeonjun makes him feel is so new to him that he is still kind of getting used to everything. But he is not complaining at all. He loves spending time with Yeonjun and the two of them would leave the office today to go check out some venues for a big company event.

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