19 | bullet through the heart

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"You sure you want to stay here and not go home?", Soobin asks his best friend for the tenth time since they drove off the hospital parking lot.

San sighs and takes a bite of his cake before he continues typing on his computer, immediately throwing himself into work as soon as they came back here. He is just generally glad that no one was questioning them too much for coming back from lunch break so late and that no one seems to have noticed that San was crying before. Soobin has done a good job concealing all traces.

"Yes. Yes, I am sure. Stop asking me already.", San sighs and so does Soobin, now also returning to his own work.

They do their tasks for a while, somewhat prepared to stay a little longer than usual, considering that they took a much longer lunch break than usual, searching for someone so desperately. San is pushing back again, trying to distract himself as he always would and Soobin knows that is what he is doing, he cannot do much about it though and that pains him so much. He loves San so much, but sometimes being friends with him is really painful and tiring. Only when he is somewhat feeling bad though, like he is right now.

But what kind of best friend would Soobin be if he did not still care too much. No matter how frustrating this might be, he would always be there for San and nothing could ever change that. He is the one friend Soobin is most thankful to have. San was the first friend he made after he changed schools.

A few hours later, office employees start leaving one after another because their shifts are over and Soobin and San stay back at their desks. Kai and Beomgyu approach them before they leave to say goodbye and then they leave together, talking about their current project.

Not long after pretty much all of the office people are gone, the door to Yeonjun's office opens and he walks out groaning.

"Binnie~", Yeonjun lets out and walks over to Soobin, who gives him a smile and gets up to open his arms for him. He hugs his boyfriend and Yeonjun buries his face in Soobin's neck. "I am so done... I want to leeeaaave."

Soobin chuckles at his boyfriend's behavior. Yeonjun has been working especially hard today because he wanted his work to be done in time. He was late this morning because he had picked up his best friend from the hospital and he had to work a bit quicker than usual to still be done in time to go out with his friends.

"Ah ah, it's okay. You worked hard today, good job.", Soobin says, gently gliding his hand up and down Yeonjun's back and kissing his temple right after. Yeonjun lazily smiles into his boyfriend's neck, feeling happy to have him here. "You are going out with your friends after work, right?"

"Yeah.", Yeonjun nods, "It's been so long. I need this tonight."

"You deserve it as well. I think you will have a great time."

"You sure you don't wanna come with us? I can introduce you to my friends?"

"No, I think I should not meet any of your friends today.", Soobin says and nods his head into San's direction, which Yeonjun immediately understands. He furrows his brows, now looking a little concerned. "But I am looking forward to meeting them some other time. Properly that is."

Yeonjun smiles and pecks him on the lips before he turns to San and quickly makes up an excuse to ask him to get him a coffee from the vending machine in the hallway.

"Why me?", San asks, sighing deeply right after. He does not see how Soobin and or Yeonjun could not just get that coffee. But when he looks at them standing there in each other's arms, he pretty much understands immediately.

He takes a deep breath, loudly exhaling afterwards before he gets up from his seat and walks away from his chair. His head is low when he approaches the exit of their office area and he knows exactly that both Yeonjun and Soobin are just worried and probably even talking about him right now. San knows that right now, while San is on his way to get that coffee, Soobin is filling their boss in on San's situation.

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