23 | secret escapes

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The following days, San and Wooyoung use every given opportunity to spend time with each other.

San would find any excuse to leave during lunch break and he would leave without Soobin after work as well, leaving him all confused whenever he would suddenly be gone.

Soobin knows that San is just giving him excuses and he has asked their friends already if they know what is happening, but they do not know either. They would ask in the group chat or in private chats if San is free, but he would always find something else to get him out of any plans with his friends. At some point, they decide to just meet up on the weekend and drag San along to ask him about it.

Soobin does think San is behaving rather suspiciously, but he does not know how to bring anything up because just about as suspicious as San's behaviour is, it seems to do him well.

It feels like someone flipped a switch inside of him, like San has suddenly become all happy and enthusiastic. His tasks for the quarter are all done by now, the only thing left to do now is a report that he would not be able to hand in until a few days before the end of the quarter. But he has started it already and has written everything in it that he could already fill in. So coming to work for San is currently mainly because he has to. He takes over some tasks that come up around the office or helps others and in a way, Yeonjun is really thankful for that as it helps him a lot as well.

Especially because Yeonjun and Changbin have both been trying to grab a hold of Wooyoung within the past few days as well, but have to deal with the same kind of behaviour that Soobin and the others are getting from San. Wooyoung would also try and find excuses at all times and neither Changbin nor Yeonjun get to see him at all. They have already talked in private, but just like Soobin and his friends, they have decided to meet up on the weekend and mention what is on their minds to Wooyoung.

Friends are wondering from both sides, noticing how this is going on for a good week already and neither of them is saying anything to their friends.

Yeonjun and Soobin have both been talking as well, but while one of them is worried their friend is going to drop them because he might have found someone through a dating app or something after having been in a coma for months before waking up in the hospital, the other starts worrying his friend might have ended up in a cult or something like that.

"Yeonjun my darling!", a voice behind them calls out excitedly and Yeonjun's eyes widen the moment he hears his voice, looking up at Soobin now who cocks an eyebrow at him.

"Binnie -"

"How is my baby doing?", Wooyoung asks, interrupting his friend and jumping on his back. His legs wrap around Yeonjun as well as his arms and he plants kisses all over his neck and cheek, being extra provoking because he knows exactly that Soobin would not like this at all.

Soobin does not say anything at all though, silently holds back his anger at seeing some guy he has never met before just cling onto his Yeonjun like that.

"Oi! Jung Wooyoung, get off my back you idiot!", Yeonjun says and some office workers who walk past the three of them who are standing in the hallway, just look at them strangely, surprised that their boss would react this way and let anyone do this to him.

Wooyoung laughs and gets off his friend's back after giving him one last, firm kiss on the cheek. Yeonjun hesitantly looks up at his boyfriend, clears his throat and hooks his arm around Soobin's. The slightly taller male looks at him for a split second before he looks away again, seemingly uncomfortable about this situation.

"Binnie...", Yeonjun pouts, slightly tugging on his boyfriend's arm, "I know he is an idiot and I told him not to do that, but please forgive him this once okay. Don't be mad."

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