6 | back to school

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"San? Choi San? Hey!", San can hear a female voice calling out to him that starts out quiet and dimmed down, but is slowly becoming clearer and clearer. "Hey, Choi San!"

The voice reaches its loudest and clearest state with the last sentence and San abruptly opens is eyes. His head is rested on his arms, which on the other hand are rested on a desk. He is sitting somewhere, having fallen asleep for some reason despite being in a seated position and not lying down. But he is not in his office, that is for sure.

San's head and entire body straighten themselves so he is sitting in his chair properly and he takes a good look around the room right then. The place looks familiar, too familiar. He finds himself sitting in a classroom that looks exactly like the one he has been in back when he was in high school. Hence, even the students around him look exactly the same.

The teacher starts scolding him for sleeping in class and San just nods and apologises without paying much attention to her words at all. Instead, he takes a look around again as soon as she returns to teaching some subject San has absolutely no interest in. He is no longer in school, so why should he care about this now?

His eyes land on many familiar faces, including his first girlfriend and some of the people he remembers seeing a lot in the train on the way to school. Without noticing, a slight smile appears on his face, the nostalgia kicking in while San feels really happy in a way to be back here in a time that has felt so much easier than adult life. Sure, he had other problems back then, but being in high school mainly holds good memories to him.

He remembers coming home after classes ended, frequently taking Seonghwa and sometimes also Soobin with him to hang out at his place. San's parents have always been the absolute best in his opinion and both Seonghwa and Soobin loved spending time with them as well.

San also remembers how him and Seonghwa always got all the chocolates on Valentine's Day, even after they started dating publicly. They would put all their chocolates and gifts together at the end of the day and eat them, while sharing them with Soobin, who always made sure to leave at some point to give the couple some time alone.

"You have just been scolded. Why are you smiling?", a too familiar voice whispers to him and San turns to look at his now ex boyfriend, looking just like he did back in high school, even wearing his uniform while he looks at San with an amused expression.

His eyes widen and he jumps back a bit in his seat, one of his hands gripping the edge of the table, while the other holds onto the back of his chair. Seonghwa raises a confused brow at him, one of his own hands now gently moving to San's to take it and San lets it happen while still being confused about this entire situation.

He wonders how he might have ended up here and why it all feels so real, just like yet again his adult life that he is living through everyday is the one that is the actual dream and not this right now.

San's breathing gets heavier and his mind buzzes as different images fill his head. The sight of Seonghwa looking like he did when they first fell in love with each other does not sit well with him, making him feel a stabbing pain in his chest. Just when things were going...

"Yah!", a loud voice calls out from next to them, both San and Seonghwa now turning to face a younger looking Wooyoung, who is standing right next to them while also wearing their high school uniform. His brows are furrowed and he looks a little annoyed at the sight, but San knows for certain that what is happening right now is not right. Wooyoung never went to school with them.  "Don't touch him as you please."

Wooyoung gives Seonghwa a threatening glare and leans forward to grab his hand that is currently still holding San's, practically ripping it off. Seonghwa scoffs at the audacity and raises an eyebrow at Wooyoung now.

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