2 | lonely boys

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When San regains consciousness, he finds himself someplace new. This is not Soobin's house, he is sure of that. Because if it was, he would not be sitting on a chair in some hospital room right now.

His eyes shoot open as soon as he realises that he is in a hospital, panic suddenly overcoming him as he pats down his entire torso, as well as his arms and thighs to check for any injuries he might have. But San is fine. He is not in any physical pain at all either. So, his mind drifts off again, the last thing he remembers being his night out with his friends, Minho and Jisung telling all of them that they have actually been happily dating for a few years and San finally downing his last shot of the night. Everything after that is just a blur fading into pure blackness.

He does not remember anything that has happened between him drinking that shot and waking up in this room, sitting on his chair right next to an empty hospital bed.

Hospital bed... Hospital!

San is in a hospital! He realises, suddenly worried sick and panicking a little. If he is not the one who got hurt, it has to be one of his friends. Soobin, Yeosang, Kai, Minho, Jisung... I hope you guys are alright...

San gets up quickly, rushing along the line of hospital beds covered by creme colored curtains. He starts opening them one after another, just to be greeted with empty beds over and over again.

"Aish... fuck!", he yells out, his hands now gripping onto his hair in frustration. It gets harder to breathe and San can feel his eyes watering a little.

"Hey, you alright?", a worried voice asks from one side of the room and San immediately turns around to face the man who has just spoken to him.

When he turns around, he is faced with an incredibly handsome young man, around his age probably and with brown hair that is parted in the middle and slightly longer, a flawless face with full lips and sharp features, a small beauty mark under one of his eyes. He is dressed in an oversized creme colored knitted pullover, falling loosely and showing a glimpse of his collarbones. The front of the shirt is tucked into a pair of ripped jeans, perfectly fitting him as he is standing there looking amazing without even trying too hard at all.

And San has absolutely never seen this man before.

"Yes, I mean no...", San stammers, his worry from before right back in this moment. He approaches the young man slowly, the other still kind of looking a bit worried. "Do you know where my friends are? I really need to find them right now. I am actually in a hurry because I think something bad might have happened to them..."

The other just chuckles and smiles brightly at that, showing his teeth when he flashes San the most beautiful expression. Under any other circumstances San would have gotten flustered by the amount of beauty in front of him. But San is not in the mood for this right now. No, he feels offended because of the other's laughter, his expression now turning into an annoyed glare.

"No worries at all, your friends are fine.", the young man says, now not smiling quite as brightly anymore, watching as San's expression softens noticeably, "I am the only one here."

"You?" San raises an eyebrow in confusion. "Excuse me, but do I know you?"

"Well, apparently not." He laughs a bit at his own words, San still just trying to comprehend what is happening. "My name is Wooyoung."

Wooyoung holds out his hand and San nods. His brain is busy trying to comprehend this situation.

"San.", San says, taking Wooyoung's hand and shaking it right then as well. Him being here alone with this man in a hospital environment seems a bit suspicious to say the least. As he only remembers drinking last night, San is pretty sure that something must have happened with this guy that he cannot remember anymore. The combination of getting drunk and being heartbroken is not necessarily the best kind of state to be in. Different thoughts enter his mind until as some point he just decides to speak up again: "Look, I am really sorry to ask this, but did we, you know..."

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