16 | chasing dreams

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Yeo Sensei
Hey Soobin
Soobin you there?

Bunny Bin Bin
What is it?

Yeo Sensei
Is he being serious though?

Bunny Bin Bin
I think so...
It's strange though

Yeo Sensei
Strange? Bro idk what's wrong with him
Don't you guys have better things to do during lunch break?
Maybe we should send him to therapy?
How is this his solution?

Bunny Bin Bin
Look, idk ok
But for now, let's just do what he wants
We can still try and make sense of this later. But he seemed serious about this and it's the first time in a while that I have seen him this hopeful.
I know it's weird
But let's just go with it for now and be there for him afterwards
See you in a sec

Yeo Sensei
Yeah ok, see you in a sec

Soobin sighs when he gets off his phone, putting the device in his pocket before he looks up to an excited San, who smiles at his screen.

He thinks it is crazy. About as much as Yeosang does, Soobin thinks this is absolutely strange. But what else can he do now? San is so excited about this, finally hopeful again about something. As his best friend, Soobin wants to be there for him even if that means he will have to tell him something like "I told you so" when it is all over.

Yeosang also cares a lot about San and when San messaged him during work, he was confused to say the least, totally unable to understand his friend's rather random request.

"Soobin, are you done?", San asks and turns towards his best friend, who only blinks at him a few times.

"I think so, yes. You want to go then?"

San nods excitedly, his dimples showing as well while he smiles brightly at his best friend, who just smiles back. He cannot change but feel the need to smile back as San looks so very happy in this moment.

Soobin chuckles and gets up, turning off his computer and waiting for San to do the same before the friends stop by Yeonjun's office to tell him they would be taking their lunch break now and be out for a while.

Yeonjun smiles at them when he nods, returning to his work afterwards and the friends just leave the office to get to Soobin's car.

Soobin drives out of the company's parking lot and heads to Yeosang's school first to pick him up. Finally there, they change seats so San can drive the rest of the way as that is all his idea in the first place.

Yeosang walks out of the school building shortly after his friends arrive there and gets in the backseat, greeting them as usual when he is in.

"So uhm, you are really sure you want to do this?", Yeosang asks, looking at San, "You really think this is how you are going to find him?"

"Yes.", San nods, his grip on the steering wheel tightening as he drives off the school's property, now heading to their first stop, "I don't know what else to do and if I can't find him there, I have done everything I can possibly do and will give up on him after having tried one last time. You told me to put up a fight first and you were right about that. We both deserve this chance."

"Well, you know I think it's a little strange to take this exact approach, but we are your friends and we will both support you with this. Now give me that list.", Yeosang says, putting one of his hands on San's shoulder and giving it a squeeze. San smiles at him and Soobin hands him the list of destinations that San has written up last night.

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