26 | sneaking off

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Many things that were planned to happen, did not really happen in the end.

The week somehow ended with San and Wooyoung keeping their distance during their times at the workplace. Well, they still properly work together, but Yeonjun constantly keeps an eye out for them, making sure that they are never completely alone with each other while San keeps his role as Wooyoung's mentor.

Yeonjun had actually considered changing Wooyoung's work mentor for a moment, but decided against it in the end because everyone else is still busy with their own tasks. San is simply the only employee in this department who is already done with pretty much all his tasks and has nothing to do anyway. So he is the only person who could jump in and full time babysit Wooyoung as the new addition to their team.

Still, that does not mean Yeonjun would give them complete freedom here. Of course not. Definitely not. He is still not happy about whatever San and Wooyoung decided to be. It still bothers him.

After work and during lunch break, Yeonjun stays with Wooyoung as well, especially making sure to meet up with him a lot after work, Changbin joins in as well, without actually knowing what is up with his friends. Changbin just generally enjoys having his best friends close and spending time with them. Of course he notices that something is off, but because that only results in Wooyoung clinging onto him more than to Yeonjun, Changbin does not mind too much.

He smirks at Yeonjun in between, teases him constantly about definitely being Wooyoung's favourite friend. Yeonjun just keeps rolling his eyes at Changbin or scoffs, occasionally also just grimacing in general as he does not like that at all. He just knows Changbin will tease him with this for a while now.

The three best friends did not go to Yeonjun's beach house in the end, instead spending the weekend together at either Yeonjun's or Wooyoung's place, while they somehow made sure to keep some breathing breaks for Wooyoung as well whenever Yeonjun was sure San would not be coming over.

San and his friends actually met up too, but Soobin had warned them before, saying that talking to San about what they had originally planned on doing, would not be the best idea at the moment. Instead, he tells them to distract San a little and just spend time with him as usual, possibly just to make him feel like everything was is normal with his friends at least, when his love life is just unnecessarily being complicated right now.

Soobin knows how much this is all bothering San and how hard it is for him to hold back and stay away from Wooyoung. But he keeps telling him to be patient, saying that he should be enjoying the work moments with Wooyoung instead and wait things out until Yeonjun budges a bit.

At least Soobin kept his promise and talked to his boyfriend. Several times at that. But even though he tried many ways of convincing Yeonjun of being a little less possessive and whatnot, none of them worked at all. Actually, they backfired.

Because not only San and Wooyoung are being majorly cockblocked, but so is Soobin.

When he tried talking to Yeonjun about this thing between their best friends for the first time, Yeonjun was not happy about it at all and for now, he generally keeps refusing his boyfriend's attempts at talking about anything regarding their two best friends. Added to that, he spends more and more time with Changbin and Wooyoung and the one who is not getting any in that time, is Soobin.

Soobin's and San's friend group is more confused and worried as well. Especially Kai is constantly wondering what is up, but because San just seems a little down and Soobin has told them all that he is in no position yet to tell them about what exactly happened or is actually still happening, Kai has given up on trying to talk to the two.

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