24 | new employee

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"Choi San, come inside my office in five minutes. I need your help again.", Yeonjun says as he walks out of his office, taking a quick glance at the only person in his department that is not still working on finishing their tasks.

San nods and looks at Soobin for a second, his friend giving him two thumbs up and a smile. So San gets up and hugs Soobin from behind, giving him a kiss on the cheek and smiling as well as he is.

"Glad this is no problem for Yeonjun anymore by the way.", San says and Soobin chuckles, remembering the moment he first told San about how he would not have to hold himself back anymore skinship wise because Yeonjun and his best friend are the exact same way together. The first time San got all close to Soobin again this morning, Yeonjun seemed to have such a hard time holding back his words and both Soobin and San still find that incredibly hilarious.

"Am I also getting a kiss? I am much cuter than Soobin.", Kai asks, having approached the two and making an extra cute face. They chuckle at that and San approaches Kai as well, also giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh? San is giving everyone kisses?", Beomgyu asks, now standing next to Kai and San, "What about me? Am I not your favourite colleague?"

"Ah yes, of course.", San laughs with the others and pecks Beomgyu's cheek as well.

"What the hell did I miss?", Yeonjun's voice is being heard from behind them then and he is standing there with Wooyoung right next to him, the younger wearing a suit for the first time ever since San has met him. "Why is everyone getting kisses from San?"

"Ah, you see, he gave me one because we are best friends and then Kai asked for one and then Beomgyu also asked for one.", Soobin explains with a grin, watching Yeonjun's expression change for just a split second before he catches himself again. "San, I really think Yeonjun deserves one too, don't you think?"

San takes a very quick glance at Wooyoung, noticing how he is clearly getting annoyed more and more by all the kisses San has been giving out. But San enjoys the jealousy, loving the way Wooyoung clearly cares about him.

"Yes, you are right, my friend.", San says to Soobin and approaches Yeonjun, smiling extra sweetly at his best friend's boyfriend, who has become a good friend of his as well by now. Yeonjun blinks at him a few times, watching the amused expression on Soobin's face, knowing he is clearly teasing him for all the times Wooyoung has still been clinging on to him, especially after him and Yeonjun came back to the office after preparing some paperwork the previous day. "For my friend and the best boss in the whole world."

And then San holds on to his face and pulls Yeonjun closer, firmly pressing his lips against Yeonjun's cheek after taking another quick and provocative glance at Wooyoung.

Wooyoung clears his throat.

"Alright, please don't take my best friend away from me.", he says to San and Yeonjun shyly smiles because of the kiss he got just now, chuckling at Wooyoung's words a bit as well.

"Ah, yes. Enough kissing. Get back to work. San, you come with us.", Yeonjun then says and him, Wooyoung and San all walk into his office.

San and Wooyoung do not look at each other too much, holding back to actually not make Yeonjun, who is anything but stupid, realise they actually already know each other. More than that. San and Wooyoung know each other exceptionally well.

When they are inside the office, San, who has walked in last, closes the door behind them and steps a little closer to the other two, who are standing next to each other, facing the pink haired man.

"Can I help you with anything, sir?", San asks and looks at Yeonjun.

"Actually, yes. You are already done with your stuff and I was running out of extra tasks to give you, so the timing of this is actually perfect. This here is my best friend, Jung Wooyoung. Wooyoung, this is my boyfriend's best friend, Choi San.", Yeonjun gestures between the two and they shake hands as well, giving each other quick and professional greetings.

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