Steps To Join Dots

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In a stressful world, a day spent with loved ones is a happy pill. Their warm morning wishes, their laughter while cracking jokes, and their eating breakfast together.

Roman stood straight, holding his office bag. Amelia quickly ran towards him and embraced him tightly. Roman smiled, embracing his wife. "I'll miss you," Amelia whispered, looking deeply into his eyes. Roman tucks her long strands behind her left ear.

"I'll return as soon as I can," Roman replied, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. She pecks his lips and giggles.

"Oh, I forgot to tell. I'll visit my friend." Amelia informs him while he is adjusting his collar.

Roman looks at her with confusion. "Friend?"

Amelia narrowed her eyes. "Oh, you don't know my friend? your only wife's friend?"

"You have many friends."

"Ok, reasoning accepted."

Roman smiled while wearing his shoes. "I was referring to Freya. She is my best friend." Amelia slapped his arm and said, "You better remember her name." She jokingly warns.

"Ok, text me the names. I'll memorise their most important names." Roman said, earning another slap on his arm and a glare.

"You are the cutest!" Roman pinched her cheek and heard Ayan crying. "I pinched you, and he's crying." Roman watches Amelia pick up their son and try to calm him.

"He already picked his favourite," Roman said, cooing at the baby, who yawned and fell asleep in his mother's arms.

"Of course, I'm his favourite."

"Even mine." Roman smiles while stealing a kiss from his blushing wife.

Roman was sitting in his cabin and working on the presentation. He had a two-hour meeting. His fingers are typing swiftly over the keyboard, and his furrowed eyebrows are focused on the monitor. He was incredibly focused on his work when he didn't see the name of the person calling and picked up the phone.

"Hello," He pressed the phone against his ear and shoulder.

[Hello, is this Romeo? Your number was on the emergency list of Amelia Carter.]

Romeo? Roman widens his eyes. There's only one person who calls him by this name.

"Wh-what? who is this?"

[Sir, I'm a receptionist at the city hospital. A ma'am named Amelia Cater has met with an accident. She has been sent here.]

Roman's ground slipped under his feet. He sits immobile in his seat. Even his shoulder didn't have the power to hold the phone as it fell to the floor with the constant hellos from the receptionist. His eyes couldn't focus on one thing. He picks up his phone and calls back while rubbing his face.

"What kind of prank is this?" He spoke as soon as the call was answered. "This isn't funny, ask my wife to talk with me."

[Sir, I understand your pain. But it's true. She is admitted and in a crucial condition.]

Roman stood up, shut his laptop, and ran out of his cabin. "How did this happen?"

[Her car crashed with a fuel truck.]

Roman's eyes waver. He forced himself not to fall to the floor. He held the wall and inhaled. His wife bid him a bye-bye kiss, and they had breakfast together. She smiled with Ayan in her arms. She was giggling and cooing with the baby. He remembers her bright smile as he steps out of the house.

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