Matching Clothes Matches Thoughts.

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A feeling of taking a new step in a completely new direction without having any hunch about the outcomes, whether they'll be good or bad, or even nothing to get, is called "taking a risk."

Dean is facing a similar situation where he's not able to understand what to do; he did wish to meet Amelia's family. Currently, he is unable to take the next step. He has a slight hesitation about telling Roman that he's the recipient of Amelia's heart. Somewhere within him, he disagrees with telling the man. Perhaps he is afraid of the outcome, considering different scenarios including Roman having hateful eyes and Ayan looking at him as a selfish person to take his mother's heart.

In the past, he didn't mind getting cursed by the people he fought. He never took them to heart and didn't give much thought to them. He cared less about his day-to-day life. If someone says something offensive, then a punch is the proper reply for them. Even though his brother often told him to handle his temper and control things with patience, the pleasure of seeing someone cry for mercy gave him a piece of peace.

"Dean, is this the one?" Sebastian's voice broke the man's trance. He blinks and looks at Sabastian, who is holding a pack of cookies.

"Huh?" Dean looks at the empty trolley and then back at Sebastian.

Sebastian sighs, showing the cookies. "Check whether this one is on the list." He points at the paper stuck between Dean's fingers. Dean fumbles and opens the list given by Ethan. So what if he can't accompany his brother? He can give the list and have it delivered to him.

"Yes, this is the one." Dean approved as Sebastian kept the pack inside the trolley.

Sebastian wants to talk about the recent event of him breaking down while hugging Ayan. He wanted to know the reason. However, he is still too far removed from Dean's life to confront or approach him. He can't convince himself that he doesn't have feelings for Dean. He understands his sexuality and knows that he is gay. Perhaps Dean will be the first person to have a greater impact on his life than anyone else he has met so far.

It was love at first sight for him. He has met his fair share of people in his life. But Dean held an aura of calmness as if anybody could be comfortable with him, regardless of their being introverted. People can tend to speak their hearts out and rest assured that Dean will never judge them. He is confused about whether it was Dean's personality or his pretty face that caught his attention.

Regardless, he likes this man very much, and there's no doubt about it. Although the main question is, how will he make space in Dean's heart, the unforgettable one, the space that nobody could take away like in movies? However, whether Dean is gay or bisexual is a major concern for him.

"Sebastian?" Dean waves his hand in front of the man. "What're you thinking?"

In a daze, Sebastian looks at Dean's face and murmurs, "How to swoon you?"

"Pardon." Dean was taken aback, wondering whether he had heard correctly.

"I mean, how do you pronounce my whole name every time? You can call me by a nickname, though. I don't mind." Sebastian suggested with a cheeky smile, folding his arms back.

Dean smiles and shakes his head. "What do your friends call you?"

"Seb, tin leads to can, bottle anything while splitting and ruining my name," Sabastian explained, recalling friends laughing hysterically while calling whatever came to mind.

"Tian, does this sound good?" Dean asked, keeping another item in the trolley.

"Anything you say sounds sweet," Sabastian said, looking away quickly before Dean noticed his hearty eyes.

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