Door Of The Heart

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Dean is observing his students while moving about the room. They are busy writing on the answer sheet, and if they make a mistake, some of them are erasing it vigorously, and the paper could fall apart at any minute. On the other hand, others are just staring at the paper with crossed arms and a look that says, 'What's this?' while some children are trying to peek at their peers, and some students are conversing with their eyes. Dean would clear his throat when noticing all these moments.

With a smile, the teacher collected the students' written responses. Due to not finishing his paper, a student was on the verge of tears. Dean simply smiled as he knelt in front of the youngster. "It's alright, Mir." The teacher dries the boy's eyes. "It's only a little test," He said, noticing the kid was still crying.

"Mumma will be sad." The boy whispered, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. Dean smiled and said, "We'll have PTM next week. I'll talk with your mom, ok?" Dean tried to cheer the boy. The student sniffs, looking at Dean. "What is PTM?"

"PTM means Parents Teacher's Meeting," Dean informs, fixing all the papers together. "On this day, you'll come to school with your parent." The boy nods his head with an 'O' face.


Roman waited in front of the school while leaning on his bike and checking his watch. A group of sheep-like children was hurrying out of the school as they awaited their ride home. Little legs are waddling toward their guardians while carrying bags on their shoulders. Roman was among the parents excitedly awaiting his son's arrival as he once more looked at his watch.

"Papa!" Ayan ran to his dad, and Roman quickly stooped and hugged his giggling son.

"How did your day go?" As he stood up, holding Ayan, Roman asked a question. Ayan catches his father off guard by wrapping his arms around his shoulder and kissing him on the cheek. As he sat on the bike, Ayan remarked, "It was very nice."

"May I know why this is happening?" Roman pointed at his cheek and asked a question. Ayan chuckles. "Teacher Dream mentioned that our parents love us the most in the world," Ayan clarified, giving himself a philosopher's nod. "So I should also adore my papa," He said again, nodding while crossing his tiny arms.

Roman chuckled while fixing the helmet strap on Ayan. "I look good," Ayan says, pushing his invisible shades over his nose bridge.

Roman raised his eyebrows. "You are getting highly influenced by Calder."


It was Saturday morning, and Teacher Dream was sitting in his chair. He kept both the answer scripts and the transcripts of his students to himself. He placed his elbow on the table and gave the watch a quick inspection. His students' outcomes pleased him. It showed a significant improvement in several kids when he compared it to earlier results.

He had his hair nicely parted and was sporting his customary black button-up shirt. He will admit that he feels a little bit anxious about meeting the parents of his students. Additionally, as a new teacher, he may have different opinions on several matters, such as whether his lessons need improvement or whether homework is more for children.

He doesn't understand how he will start a conversation with those parents. He did ask for advice from his colleagues, getting a simple sentence: "Relax and speak about the child and the progress or weak points to be strengthened."

He quickly looks at the door being opened and a mother walking inside with her son. Dean beams a smile at his student and looks back at the parent while giving a smile. The mother smiled back, taking a seat in front of him, and the child smiled at his teacher while sitting next to his mom.

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