Audition of Heart

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Dean looked down at his feet as he sat on a chair, pressing his fingers on his knees. His tight-fitting jeans show off his long legs. He tucked his black, sloppy shirt into his pants and wrapped a few bracelets around his wrist. He curled a few bangs and pushed his hair back.

He glanced at the people talking around him. Many people were running from one end to another. Some people were calling out the next contestant's name. The lights were like a sunset. There was warmth around, even with the AC. Most likely, it was his nervousness. He sips a few more gulps of water.

"Woh, man. You sure are nervous." He heard a voice on his right. He glanced at the man sitting next to him. There was a flirty smile and pride in his eyes. He had an aura that nobody could reject. Dean gave his attention back to the water and continued drinking.

"Ignoring, aren't we?" The man probably doesn't understand the signals. Dean sighs, licking excess water from his lips, and the bottle.

"Bro, you are knocking on the wrong door," Dean said as he closed his eyes, recalling his lines and the expression he wanted to give.

This test is like a surprise; they need to talk about the random things given by the crew. They might even need to act with props. It's more like, you need to be prepared for everything.

"This might finally be the right door for me." Smiling, he extends his hand. "Sebastian," he said as he looked at Dean.

"Dean," he said as he accepted and shook hands.

"You are quiet." Sebastian paused for a few seconds, his gaze fixed on Dean's. Dean, on the other hand, raised his eyebrows. "Quite good-looking, or, I must say, gorgeous." He finishes with a grin.

Dean widens his eyes. This man is trying, no! He's hitting on Dean. "Yo! man. Back off. You've been barking up the wrong tree."Dean quickly stood up and turned around to go. Sebastian, on the other hand, was holding his arm.

"You're next," Sabastian said, pointing at the staff and looking for his face.

"Dean Rayden." She calls, and Dean raises his hand.

"Please, follow me." Dean threw a glare at Sabastian and followed the lady.

"Now I have to do everything I can to be the second man," Sabastian said to himself as he walked towards the C.R. to preen himself.

Dean steps inside the studio, and three people-the judge and two people handling the camera-are there. The director is sitting behind the monitors with two more people whom Dean cannot see.

He quickly greets them, standing at the center of the setting with white curtains in the background. Dean looks around, unsure of what to do next.

"Introduce yourself." He heard an instruction as he quickly nodded his head. He closed his eyes; just for these events, his hidden inner Dean was needed. He had the confidence and the aura, which brought great envy and hatred upon himself.

Dean locks eyes with the camera lens. "Hello, my name is Dean Rayden. I am a kindergarten teacher. I love my kids very much. They make me happy with their bright smiles, especially the long morning greeting while dragging each word and making a hymn." People smiled, most likely remembering their school days. "I love photography and silence. I live just a few blocks away from here. Thank you." Dean ends his speech with a smile.

The director nodded his head and glanced at Roman, who was sitting next to him. "What kind of prop should we give him?" The director asked, glancing at Liam and then back at Roman.

Liam waited for Roman to say something, but he didn't, so he said, "Since he is a teacher, a cartoon--"

"Give him flowers," Roman says quickly, looking for help.

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