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Dean closed the main door behind him and walked towards the living room. He saw his mom watching TV. He cracked his neck and walked towards his mom.

"Oh my, look how bad the world has become." Mrs. Rayden exclaims while glancing at her youngest son and back to the TV.

"Huh?" Dean sits next to his mom while removing his overcoat.

"Look at the news." She points at the TV and sighs to herself.

"Someone murdered a lady in such a cunning way." Dean's gaze was drawn to the headlines.

"First, it looked like a car accident, then later, the family wanted to know the real reason for her death. With a lot of investigation, finally found out that it was a murder disguised as an accident." His mother explained while throwing a few curses at the criminal.

"People are forgetting humanity. Why didn't the parents teach their children to respect people's choices and let go when things don't work out their way? Killing someone for revenge is just awful."

Dean looks at the anchor's reporting while his brain returns to Dr. Jennifer's words. His donor died because of an accident too.

"Dee!" Mrs. Rayden shook her son, who was spacing out. "Yeah, mom. It's awful." Dean mumbles, confusing his mom.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll freshen up." She nods, watching her son approach his room with a frown on his face.

"What happened to him?"


Dean is sitting in his room and scrolling through a search engine. His eyes flickered through the list of information. His eyes were trying to get more information. He sips warm milk and leans back while reading the content that is reflected on his spectacles too. Although he looked calm from the outside, his blood was running cold and his eyes were wavering while forcing in the different news of the year 2019. especially on December 19th. There were numerous cases in other regions on that day.

He starts taking notes on different accidents and the date. daytime and nighttime too.

"Fu*k, I didn't know we have so many accidents regularly." Dean's back starts hurting from sitting so long. He sighs, pressing his fingers on his burning eyelids, and blinks with a yawn.

"I should call Doctor Jennifer." Dean picks up his phone. "Maybe I am overthinking. As such, nothing happened. Why would someone ki--No, no. Of course not. She is a kind soul."

"Hello, doctor. It's Dean." Dean spoke while sitting on his bed. He looks at the sky through the window.

[Hello, how are you doing? I wanted to know about your health too; next time, make sure to get your file.]

"Ok, doctor. I will ask my physician first and let you know. I'm doing fine."

[That's good. Anything new to ask?]

"I wanted to know how the accident occurred." There was a pause on the other end.

Her vehicle collided with a fuel truck. Her shoulder was crushed as the truck hit sideways. The airbag didn't open at the right time. Her car flew and crashed on the other end of the road.]

"O-oh," Dean couldn't think of anything to say."My condolence." These two words felt so small to him.

[Its-Its alright. Time healed us.] Dean nodded, looking at his feet.

"Did you guys meet after that? I mean you and another friend."

[No. We were both shocked, and she just flew back to her workplace. I emerged to heal you. It was like none of us were able to accept the truth.] Dean heard a sad chuckle. He pressed his lips to a thin line. His eyes fell on the monitor.

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