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At times, our assumptions are influenced by the visual information we perceive. On other occasions, our assumptions are deeply rooted in our emotions and the way we experience the world around us.

It's not uncommon for our natural instinct to protect ourselves from emotional pain to lead us to assume that situations are aligning in our favor, even if they're not.

And there are moments when our overwhelming fear of facing the harsh realities of life causes us to believe that we are ensnared in a never-ending, surreal nightmare.

Have the assumptions we've made really brought any positive changes to our lives? No, they haven't. Assumptions have no power to alter the truth or the reality of any situation.

They are incapable of shaping the outcomes we expect. Most importantly, assumptions cannot magically make someone fall in love with us.

It occurs exclusively in the realm of fantasy and dreams. These dreams serve as a blissful sanctuary created by our minds to provide comfort and joy in an often solitary world.

This happy space induces smiles as it prompts recollections of happier times, constructing an elaborate and fantastical world for us to wander in.

The love you have for yourself surpasses any love anyone else could possibly have for you.

Freya is somewhere now, realizing things. She surely loves Roman. However, she is unable to accept Ayan as her son. Her eyes try to love the boy, yet somewhere she knows this child is Amelia's son.

Looking at his face, she realizes that she is hating her friend, who wishes nothing but good for her. She often encouraged her to do a fashion walk at a college or school festival.

Because of her nervousness, Freya will not eat anything, and Amelia will often wait for her to finish her task. Then, they'll eat together.

A tear slipped from her eyes as she watched Ayan in a daze while the boy was eating the food his mom had prepared.

"Mumma, food is tasty." Ayan mumbled while chewing with pouty lips. He looks up and sees tears in Freya's eyes.

"Mumma crying?" His tiny fingers carefully wiped away her tears.

"Why is mom crying?" Tears brimmed Ayan's eyes as his lips wobbled. "Why crying?"

Freya quickly wiped away his tears before Mrs. Rayden could see them, as the lady was talking to the teacher.

"Nothing, just dust," Freya replied, rubbing her eyes. She wipes the excess tears and forces a smile, watching the kid smile along with her.

"When will you come home?" Ayan asked while keeping the spoon inside the box and closing it. "Papa misses you." He juts his lips. "Because of the promise, I can't tell Papa about Mumma."

Freya watches Ayan, who has similar habits as Amelia. He may look like Roman, but his major personality is Amelia. He has the same habit of keeping the spoon inside the tiffin box as hers.

"Papa misses me?" Freya asked while wiping the boy's lips with a kerchief.

Ayan nodded with big eyes. "Yes. Papa hugs Mama's photo."

Freya gave a sad smile.

This is what I wanted. I can finally marry Roman. Then, why is my chest hurting so much?

Ayan sips water and looks around. "Mama, the teacher did not come today."

The softness Freya was feeling has surely vanished upon hearing the name.


When we find ourselves confronted with the worst possible scenario, one that we could never have imagined experiencing, the thoughts and opinions of others may not have the same impact as those of our loved ones.

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