Your Presence Makes A Big Difference

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Canvas is a space that would be filled with meaningful colors very soon by this artist, sitting on the stool and giving more thought. The bottom of a pencil was scratched on the edge of his lip while his gaze focused on the iPad.

Dean is trying his very best to get an idea or inspiration for the work. He wants to make a remarkable impression through his image. He wants to draw something that will make people pause and give all their attention to his painting. He wants people to whisper among themselves to know the artist behind the painting.

His teacher has asked them to create a portrait, which can be anything as long as it's presentable, even to kindergarten kids. It needs to be easily understood by anyone who sees it. The student's art will be presented in the art exhibition at the university. Of course, only the best are chosen by the teachers after the final submission.

He sighs, keeping the pen aside and flipping through a book in the yearning to find some inspiration. His focused attention got distorted by a knock on the door.

"It's already evening, and you're still here?" Dean looks at the source with a frown. "You should sometimes give rest to that tiny imaginary space." Nathan further added while stepping inside the room after making sure to look around the corridor once.

"What are you working on?" He asked again, looking at Dean, who hadn't said anything till now. Nathan frowned with a lack of reply as he paused his steps.

"Hopefully," Nathan points to himself. "You remember me."

"Yeah," Dean whispered while the gears of his brain worked fast to remember the face. Honestly, it's not easy to remember someone, and with their names too, at least for Dean.

The hesitant answer brought sorrow to the incomer, who quickly turned his heels. "Never mind; continue with your work."

"Wait! I remember you." Dean slams his fist on his palm in realization. "That deprived boy." He quickly bit his tongue because of the adjective he used.

"I mean, I saw you near the pond, and you were asking me, and yadda, yadda. I remember you. My brain might be slow, but it functions properly." Dean tried to justify his previous statement.

Nathan chuckled, "Yeah, the same one."

"Oh, yeah. You were asking me what I'm doing right?" Nathan nodded his head.

"I'm trying to find inspiration." Dean sits back on the chair and looks at the empty, white, intimating canvas.

"Inspiration is always around us," Nathan replied, stepping towards the sulking man.

Dean just heaved a heavy sigh, not understanding anything now. "Yeah. But I can't see anything now."

Nathan peeks over Dean's shoulder, hoping to see at least a line or scratch on it. "How about you look around the campus?" Nathan suggested, holding the strap of his guitar case.

"Guitar classes?" Dean asked while pointing at the bag. Nathan gave a quick nod and noticed Dean's gleaming eyes focused on the guitar. He raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not playing it," Nathan informs Dean in case he requests it. However, Dean shook his head, looking back at Nathan. "Can I just look at it?"

Nathan smiles and says, "Oh, that can be done." He keeps the case on the floor and carefully unzips it like it's his precious possession. The smile gracing Nathan's face when he picked it up didn't go unnoticed by Dean. He understands that, just as he loves sketching, Nathan loves his guitar.

"Can you, like, just sit with the guitar? I think I got some ideas." Nathan quickly complies while sitting on an available chair.

"What is the idea?" Nathan asked, tuning his guitar again.

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