Chapter 2

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(I have made the decision that Jenna didn't die and that the scooby doo gang compelled her out of town that weekend.)

outfit above ^^^^^^

I was in the middle of a dream when I felt a sudden shaking.

I peaked my eyes open and saw Damon.

The shaking started again.

He's so dead.

"You have three seconds to tell me why you woke me up before I kill you." I say

"Because it's eleven in the afternoon. You should be up" Dames adds

"Weird-" I smirk. "I didn't know you wanted to die today."

"Hey I'm the nice one, Stefan suggested an ice bath."

"Is this what you guys do when I get back from London, sit around and plot how you are going to wake me up."

He smirks a little.

"Enjoying this are you? You do realize in London there is a time difference of eight hours."

"Oh god." Dames mutters with a smile.

"Stefan, I think Lizzy is going to turn into a zombie."

"No, just a pillow throwing maniac." I say while picking up a pillow and scrambling out of bed to go chase him with it. I'm hot on Damons heels when he starts yelling.

"Let it go. Let it go." Damon screams.

" Damon, how many times have we gone over this? You're not Elsa." I say trying to be serious.

He ran down the hall and darted into the study, where he was cornered.

"Halt. young steed." I hear Stefan mimic.

I turned around with my pillow still raised over my head and my eyes wide scared that they would team up against me.

"Lizzy, put the pillow down." Damon says.

"Nice and slow." Stefan coaxes.

I toss the pillow to the side 'accidently' hitting Damon.

"Karma." I coughed into my elbow.

"Sorry, just a fuzz in my throat."

"Karma. Karma." I coughed once more.

"Ellie it can't be Karma if you gave it to him." Stefan tries to tell me.

"Nope Stefano, around these parts of town I'm known as the karma delivery person." I say as I pretend to crack my knuckles.

"Beware." I mutter while eyeing the two.

They both chuckle and then things got serious.

"Listen, Lizzo there are a few ground rules we should set." Damon says in all seriousness.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now