Chapter 30

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I had enough socializing for the night, I was practically asleep. Everyone smelled like alcohol but no one was drunk. Yet.

I was snuggled into Finn's side, his arm wrapped over my shoulders. His cologne overpowered the alcohol smell that was lingering.

All Jenna could talk about was Elijah, Finn, Kol, and Klaus. I love her but I could tell how hard she was trying to get to know them. Alaric too, but I could still tell he was mad about the whole body taking over thing with Klaus.

Stefan and Damon were trying, offering alcohol and small conversations, but the hate was still there too. They acted very well like a big happy group of people. They all still hated each other.

"We should have a sleepover!" Caroline says. She looks at me and Maddie. I was beyond tired. "Maddies going home tonight though." I point out.

"Come on please Lizzy, my stuff is packed up, we can just bring it over." It was her last night here, go out with a bang right? "Ok fine." I give in. It'll be fun.

"Ok get your stuff and we'll meet back at my place, I have so much ice cream in our freezer it could feed a village." Bonnie says. "Oh yes ice cream is a must have." I tell her.

"Ok well we should be going." I say before standing back up from off the couch. "Oh yeah and pageant rehearsals is two hours before the event so we can just get ready at Bonnie's." Caroline tells me.

That's new news. I thought that I would have a free day and a pageant at night. The pageant is scheduled for four o'clock and the set up needs three hours and then a two hour rehearsal, that's a day's worth of work. "Yeah ok."

Looks like whatever sugar high or drunken state I get into will have to wait a whole day to kick in because I will be busy for the next twenty four hours at least.

We decided that Rebekah should be invited too. It was my idea so I could tell they were apprehensive about it. Nevertheless she showed up and we were going to have a great time.

We packed our overnight bags together and were talking about it on the way here. Maddie would only be able to stay a few minutes because her aunt wants her home sooner rather than later. She was scheduled to be here in ten minutes but we were planning to have fun with our few minutes anyways.

Klaus, Kol, Finn, and Elijah walked us to the front door of Bonnie's house. Without a knock the door flew open to reveal the song single ladies that had just begun. The music played loudly in the background overpowering whatever else was happening behind Bonnie.

"Oooh thank goodness you're here, come in." Bonnie said, her face lighting up slightly when she recognized the familiar faces at the door. Rebekah and Maddie stepped inside the house and followed Bonnie to the living room.

"Alrighty, good night." I tell the people in front of me. They stare at me like I'm psycho. Elijah stepped forward first to put a gentle kiss in my hairline. Somehow after all this time together every kiss, every touch gave me butterflies.

I was already beside Finn so all he had to do was pull me in. His arms wrapped around me for a tight hug as he spun me into his grasp. He too placed a kiss but this one was right in my head. The butterflies were flying in my stomach alright. Well they never really stopped.

"Good night Angel." He whispered into my ear before walking towards the car like Elijah had seconds prior. Kol walked up and pecked me in the cheek. "I will miss you my Darling." He said before kissing my other cheek too as a bonus. He walked away.

Their goodbyes had been so dramatic as if they were out of a romance movie. "I won't make it too mushy, but good night love." His eyes lingered over mine before they glanced over to my lips. "Oh get over yourself and kiss me." I told him.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now