Chapter 16

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I wake up to the glorious smell of pancakes and hot chocolate.

“Good morning.” I hear Elijah say as I wake up.

I try opening my eyes but the bright lights are way too bright for this early in the morning.

“Morning Lijah.” I say without opening my eyes.

I was still on Klaus' lap but I couldn’t tell if I was still in the living room or the kitchen. I smelt food but there living room was super close to their kitchen so I had no clue.

The warm blanket was still wrapped around me and Klaus' arms were still hugged tightly around me.

“Are we in the kitchen?” I ask anyone as I hear the stove turn on.

“Yes and if you open your beautiful eyes then you can have hot chocolate.” Klaus tells me adding a sweet compliment. Hot cocoa my favorite winter drink.

“Really?” I ask him hoping for confirmation.

“Yes.” He confirms. I open my eyes and see a happy looking Klaus in front of me.

“Morning Handsome.” I say to him as he grins. I loved his grin. His face lights up and you can see his pearly whites. 

“Morning Gorgeous.” He says back to me as a small blush creeps up my faces slowly but surely.

“Where’s Maddie? I don’t see Maddie.” I say concerned. Shoot I had too much to drink and look at me. Losing children. Great parenting.

“The Salvatores picked her up around eight.” The who. Where where. When? Great. Another issue. 

“Ok.” I say deciding that that was going to be a problem for another time.

I actually take a look around the room to see Kol and Lijah at the table and Finn cooking. I had been informed last night that Finn has picked up the hobby of cooking.

“Bye Klaus.” I say jumping off his lap.

“Where are you going?” He asks me in a disappointed voice.

“Back to bed.” I say with a giggle as I run off to the couch. My eyes were tired and I needed sleep. The couch was calling to me. Come here Elizabeth. Come here.

I feel a gush of wind behind me before I even get out the second set of doors. I’ve been caught.

“No fair, that's cheating.” I say as Kol appears in front of me.

“Your not going to bed, and you forgot your cocoa.” He says as he picks me up and slings me over his shoulder.

“Hey put me down, now.” I say as I try to escape. I hit his back and he doesn’t move a muscle.

I try to wiggle out but he doesn’t move. 

It was like he was made of a super hot looking metal.

Kol walks over to the kitchen and sets me down.

“That was mean.” I tell Kol pretending to be angry but in reality it was a fun ride and bonus no exercise required.

“I’m sorry.” He says with his arms open. I climb into his lap. I could use a good set of arms to fall asleep in. I deserved it.

I should retire.

“Yeah yeah yeah. That’s what they all say.” I tell him as I climb into his embrace.

“Wasn’t I drunk last night?” I am confused on why I didn’t have a hangover.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now