Chapter 28

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The steps up to the Salvatore home seemed like a lot more. I had practically run up the stairs and knocked on their wooden doors. The rest of the Mikaelson crew made it up the stairs and stood behind me.

I knocked yet again, hoping that this time someone would answer the door. Kol came up from behind me and grabbed my hand in his. Our fingers linked together as the front door finally opened.

Stefan's eyes go wide as he opens the door. "The parties here." He tells whoever else was in the house although it would be hard to hear over the blaring Christmas music that was playing in the background.

"Stefano, am I the party?" I ask him knowing what his answer will be. "Why of course, you can't have a party without food, alcohol and of course a Lizzy."

I smiled at his lame joke as I entered the old house. "Elle, nice to see you again." Bonnie says. She wraps her arms around my neck to give me a hug. I hug her back and secure my arms around her waist.

"It's been too long." I say as I send her a smile. "She was in our living room this morning Darling." Kol reminds me. Bonnie shrugs her shoulders as if his comment had not changed her mind.

"Everyone is in the living room, come on." Bonnie tells us. "Lead the way." Kol says. The others were still stuck at the door making small talk with Stefan, but somehow Kol had escaped. He had slung his arm over my shoulders as we walked towards the others.

"Elizabeth, get you and your annoying posse squad in here." Damon shouts. I smile at his outward statement. "I'm not a part of any posse squad." Kol grumbles from beside me.

I smile at him. "Oh course not honey." I say with a light pat on his chest. He was wrong though. These Mikaelson brothers have been attached to my hip since I learned they were my mates.

They were most definitely my posse squad, my super fans if you will. But they were still mine.

"I'm here, Dames." I announce upon walking into the main room. Everyone I know from Mystic falls is there. Damon, Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, Tyler, Jeremy, Matt, Jenna, Alaric, the whole gang.

"Hey Gilbert we got a game to play." Tyler announces. A football game every holiday has been a tradition for a while. It was always me and Jeremy against Tyler and Matt in a football game in our neighborhood cul-de-sac. "You're on Lockwood." I say with my famous Salvatore smirk that I had almost mastered.

I was wearing my lucky white high top converse that often brought me good luck. I have worn them every game we have ever won.

"Might wanna warm up Lizzy, wouldn't wanna be rusty." And that was the other part. Weeks before the game we would start talking smack on each other in a group chat we made years ago. The teasing would last all the way up to the game and even during.

Sometimes we draft players on our team. This year the hottest pick is Stefan. "Five bucks my Darling's team wins." Kol says from beside me. I follow his gaze towards the group of people sitting in the living room. He throws a five into the coffee table.

Damon fishes through his pocket and adds another five onto the shorter table. He looks to both sides before the rest of my party arrives through the doorway.

"We're going Ty and Matt in this one." Caroline announces. She sends me the sorry look. "Alrighty it will just be that much sweeter when we win."

"I'm going with my niece and nephew thank you." Jenna announces. She pulls out three ones from her pocket wallet. Something that only Aunt Jenna would have in her jacket.

"What are you betting on?" Rebekah asks. Maddie comes to sit besides me on the couch. "Who will win the annual football tournament." Her eyebrows rise in surprise. "Oh I have money." Maddie says. She shoots her hand out to grab something.

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