Chapter 33

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We sat at the dinner table and everyone just stared. Their blank faces like the emotion just seeped out of them. "What's going on?" I ask.

Kol's eyes roll to the back of his head. His head dips down as if he were looking in his lap and then the noise starts. Like something was changing. Like movement almost. A sound you could only describe as playing cards being slapped against each other when you shuffle a deck.

And then up his head comes but instead of my lovely Kol he has the face of Mikael. "W-What?" I ask my words echo as if I was in a tunnel. "Huh?" I ask myself. Then Finn's head dips down.

The noise starts.

His head dips down and there it is.

Then his face changes, into the one of his fathers.

And then Klaus

The noise. His head. And then his face.

I let out an ear piercing scream. Like one of those straight out of a horror film. I push my chair out from the table and run. I ran to the door but when I pushed it through I was in the same room. With their faces staring at me.

Three copies of Mikael and one Elijah.

It's as if he was waiting for me to sit back down so he too could change into that monstrous face. I refused a tried pushed through the door. But like a loop I just came back.

It all moves too quickly. Like a breath of fresh air I'm yanked from that loop and into a bedroom with a panicked Elijah besides me. "Are you alright?" He asks me. His eyes are calm as he asks but the fear in his voice is still well heard.

His face frightens me. I push back on the bed. I move all the way to the end of the bed, just to get away from him. He seemed concerned. "Just do it. Do the face thingy already." I yelled at him.

His face contorts into one of confusion. He reaches out a hand silently asking me to take it. "You were dreaming. Come here." He demands. There's a softness in his voice. It sparks a feeling of familiarity.

I went to connect my hand with his before I quickly retracted it. I held up my pointer finger and thumb and gave myself a pinch. "Ouch. Ok definitely not a dream." I sighed before taking Elijah's hand in mine.

He pulled my hand closer to him. My whole body followed suit. He pulled me into him until my back was pressed against his chest. His gentle fingers began running up and down the length of my arm.

"Elijah, do you think we could watch some TV, just for a second?" I ask him without making eye contact. He said yes and removed the arm that was running up and down my arm to go and grab the remote that was in the bedside table next to him.

The soft clicking of the tv remote was the only noise filling as he flipped through the channels. We decided on the food network and then delicious looking food filled the wide screen. His breathing was steady. In then out. I could feel his heart ever so slightly.

He kissed the top of my head before retreating his head to the backboard of the bed. I could feel my eyes getting heavy and my thoughts drifting away. Until I was back to a pitch black feeling.

The emptiness that was my dream.

The beeping sound of my alarm woke me up. It was five in the morning. I had to get ready for the Mystic Falls Pageant. I had an elegant dress hanging in my closet that was begging to be worn. It was classy but not too classy so as not to clash with the pageant girls.

Elijah had tried to go back to bed after my alarm woke him up, but with only a few seconds that he spent alone he had decided to come join me. "So which lucky man will get to escort you today?" Elijah asked me.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now