Chapter 31

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I was a few shots in. Enough to where the thought of the movie Titanic had already brought a pang to my heart but not enough to where I couldn't count to ten. Somewhere in between those numbers.

"We should order food." Caroline says with her white painted fingers gripping the cellular device. Bonnie nods towards her, agreeing to her outburst seconds before.

Rebekah comes over from a far off room, swaying her hips to the gentle beat of a Taylor Swift song that was playing in the background. "Pizza?" I ask before kicking up my feet on the couch. My fuzzy socks rub against the leather on the couch tickling the curve on my feet.

"Yeah and there's a new super hot pizza guy." Rebekah reveals to the hungry group. My eyes scan over the girls in front of me. Bonnie lips lift up ever so slightly in a smirk at the words. Elena has a glint in her eyes and Caroline smiles in the most cheesiest way.

Me being the only sane one I roll my eyes. The look at me with judgment before I process what I'm thinking.

What was I saying?

"Pizza and eye candy, what better mix." I realize out loud before the room fills with contagious laughter. Rebekah lays in the other end of the couch, our legs entangle ever so slightly as we lay down.

Her head dips over the armrest and she hangs upside down her blander curls flipping with her. A small giggle escapes through her lips. I nudge my foot against hers as if to ask her what she was laughing about. "My brothers would freak at what you just said." She answers.

"They would kill that pizza guy and then scold you for saying such a thing." She says as another giggle escapes through her lips. "But that's what makes it so fun." A smile rest upon my lips as I think about her brothers but then a laugh emerges through my mouth after I imagine them getting jealous.

Elena smiles as well as Caroline. Bonnie starts to laugh at whatever image was flowing through her head. Bonnie's laughter causes a chain reaction of giggling between us.

"I remember when my brothers tackled each other when they learned they shared the same mate." Rebekah admits to us before throwing her head back in amusement. We all started cackling at the preposterous statement. The thought of them wrestling over me made my smile grow wider and my laughter grow louder.

The song Love Story starts playing in the background. I jump up off the couch. My feet hit the hard floor making a loud thud that caught everyone's attention.

"Come on, I'm not the only one who loves this song. Am I?" I jump up and grab the television remote acting as if it was my microphone. I stepped onto the large coffee table that was in the center of the room. Rebekah handed me a wine glass of some liquid before I started my show.

The words began to flow through the speaker as I began to sing. "We were both young when I first saw you. I close my eyes and the flashback starts." I continue to belt out the song. The liquid in the glass swirled as I danced on the table.

My oversized shirt, tall socks, and wine glass made me look like a textbook drunk. Rebekah pulled out her phone to take a quick picture. "New Home Screen." She laughed to herself before clicking on the tiny screen.

I spin around in a pirouette before belting out more music. Caroline turns in the flashlight in her phone and waves her device side to side like they do at the concerts. Elena started bouncing up and down to the music and Bonnie just sat there laughing at us all.

I scissor my arms back and forth mimicking a dance move I saw on tv a while back. The smell of alcohol wafts through the air as I continue dancing on the small wooden table.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now