Chapter 13

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Outfit for school!

So apparently throwing a book at my ex gets me sent home.


During break a hall monitor had told me that I was needed in the office.

That’s where I am now.

Sitting in the world's most uncomfortable chair in an office that smells like cardboard and sanitizer.

“Mrs. Gilbert we do not have a parent and or guardian on file for you so I need you to call someone to pick you up.” The office lady told me.

“Ok thank you.” I say taking the phone.

Who was I going to call? I didn’t have anyone’s number memorized.

Alaric was obviously at work and so was Jenna.

Damon’s number was just as confusing as the first ten digits of pie.

Then I remembered something.

Rebekah had told me that her house phone number had corresponded with their last name.

Every number had a few tiny letters under them.

M was six. I was four. K was five. A was two. E was three. L was five. S seven. O six. N six. And I assumed there was an s for Mikaelsons so seven.

I punched in 645-235-7667.

I was crossing my fingers and toes.

There were about four rings before someone picked up.

“Hello.” I hear Finn say from the other end.

“Hello Finn this is Elizabeth and I was wondering if you could pick me up from school.”

“Yes of course I’ll be over in a minute.” The line goes dead.

“There on their way.” I told the office lady. She quickly nods her head and I take my seat again.

I grab my phone out only to find that it has three percent. Great so no tiny fishing until Finn gets here.

I look around the office and it looks like your standard office filing cabinets, computers, the really nice looking chairs that are actually super uncomfortable, the name plates in front of each desk. You know the basics.

“Excuse me miss the number you dialed, is that the number I should write down for your parent guardian info.” The office lady asks in a very nice voice.

“Yes, actually that would be great, thank you.” I confirm with a small smile showing my gratitude.

I started taping my foot to a song I heard on the radio a few days ago.

Tap tap tap.

I start to hum the words very quietly making sure no one can hear me.

I shift in my seat so that my feet make a better tapping sound when they hit the floor.

My humming starts to get boring so I stop.

Then my foot gets tired so I stop that too.

I reach into my pocket to grab my phone.

I slide it out and tap the screen.

When there’s no glow I try hitting the home button.

When that doesn’t work I hold down the power off button and the charger cord pops up with a lightning bolt in front of it.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now