Chapter 25

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A loud crash wakes me up.

My eyes open up. I immediately close them again.

My head feels horrible. I have a headache and I feel light headed.

I open my eyes once again and glance towards the digital clock on my nightstand. It reads two fifty in the morning.

I must have fallen asleep.

My mouth is dry from sleeping so I reluctantly get out of bed.

My bathroom is connected to Klaus and Finn's bedroom so I go downstairs so I'm sure not to wake them.

I make my way towards the stairs and just as I'm about to place my foot on the first step a loud thud is heard from downstairs.

Oh no. This can't be happening. We're being robbed. I run back into the hallway and knock on Klaus' door.

I stand there for a second with no answer.

I start worrying and open the door. I run over to his bed and jump into the covers. There's no one here. I start hitting the bed hoping I just missed him.

There's no one here.

They got my Klaus.

Oh no if they got him I wonder who else they got.

I jump off the bed and fix the covers.

I ran into Elijah's room not bothering to knock first.

He's not here either.

I check both Kol's and Finn's room and they aren't there either.

They're all gone.

I quietly tip toe into the hallway and go to the stairway.

I tiptoed down the stairs.

One step at a time. The cold wooden panel freezes up my feet.

I make my way to the bottom, still hidden from the intruder. I can hear someone right around the corner. Their figure is a shadow.

"Elizabeth." Oh no they know my name. "Come here." I still can't see the person. They sound awfully familiar.

I ball up my fist and punch them right in the gut. The intruder winces. "Why did you do that?" They breath out.

"That'll teach you to stop breaking into houses." I mutter back.

The person picks me up over their shoulder. "Hey." I say. "If you scream I will do a whole lot worse, so keep quiet darling." Darling? I only know one person who calls me that. Kol, but he's not here.

The mystery man takes me over to the kitchen. When he puts me down he smacks me in the butt. "Hey there buddy I have a boyfriend." I grit out.

"Oh believe me I know." He walks over and turns on the lights to reveal his face. His beautiful face.

"Kol." I run over to him and jump onto him wrapping my legs around his torso. "Nice to see you. I see someone missed me." He says as he wraps his arms around my stomach.

"I'm sorry I punched you." I say into his neck. His laughter fills the air after my apology. "It's quite alright darling, but you know a kiss will make it better."

I move my head from his neck so that I can give him a quick kiss on the lips. "Better?" I ask him once the glee fills his brown eyes."Um hum." He hums in appreciation.

"Where are your brothers?" I ask him once I am comfortable in the crook of his neck once again. Without responding he carries me to the living room. The walk is quick as we are in front of them within a few measly steps.

Kol sets me down and onto the couch.

"Hello love." Klaus hums after he takes a residency in the couch spot besides me. Elijah accompanies me on my other side. "Hi." I say back to him.

"Why are you up this late?" Elijah asks. Always worrying about me. He doesn't realize that I can pretty much handle myself. Though I wasn't complaining, the constant worrying was kinda sexy.

"I heard one of you clowns down here." I say confirming Elijah's previous suspicions. He nods his head letting me know he was not going to look into it any further.

"Yeah she punched me in the gut." Kol tells his brothers and they all look at me. "My punch is pretty good, believe it or not." I tell them, smirking to myself. "My right hook is better though." I say now to myself but the vampire hearing allows them to hear my out loud thoughts.

"Here lay down love." Klaus pats his lap. I scoot forward on the couch and lay down right on his upper legs. I swing my feet onto Lijah's lap and get comfy.

Klaus grabs a pillow and lifts my head upwards so that he can place it underneath me. My face is immediately cushioned better by the pillow.

"Kol could you get me a blanket." I ask him. He smiles and sends me a nod. Klaus starts rubbing my shoulders.

"Love what is this?" His hands start tracing a moon pattern on the back of my shoulder. "Yeah that's a birthmark, no clue why it looks like a moon, but I think it's kinda cool." He presses a gentle kiss onto my shoulder.

"How come I never knew of this birthmark?" Finn asks me. "Well I'm always in a sweater and a blanket, never a tank top." He's smiles at my answer. Kol comes over and drapes the blanket over my body, instantly warming me up.

I can feel Elijah's hand rubbing small circles in my legs. His touch is addictive. "Are you going back up stairs Darling?" Kol asks me knowing I will most likely say no.

"No chance, I haven't slept in a bed alone since I moved in and I don't plan on changing that tonight." Kol's smile just grows. "Am I the only freezing one?" I ask.

"I'm a little chilly I guess." Finn says from the chair across from me. I send him my puppy dog eyes. "I'll turn on the fireplace." He announces upon seeing my pleading eyes.

He gets up with a grunt and reaches a hand above the fireplace, feeling for the lighter to light up the fireplace.

The lighter hits the wall making a tink sound. He takes it and flips the switch to the fireplace so that the gas releases. He clicks the flame open on the lighter and holds it to the fire. The fire ignites and the room is instantly brighter.

The heat drifts around the room little by little. "Thank you." I whisper to Finn. He smiles and nods at my words. I kiss my hands and lay my palm flat. I blow against my hand sending a kiss Finn's way. He smiles and pretends to catch it with ease.

He blows one back and I catch it and place it to my lips. His eyes widen knowing that he simply caught my kiss and not placed it to his lips. "I didn't know that was a thing." He says in disbelief.

I laugh at his outrage. "You could always have a real one you know, you always do get a good night kiss." Good night kiss? Yeah that was a thing. A two year old thing, but apparently a thousand year old thing as well.

He comes over and places a kiss on my lips. Sparks fly like usual, but the feeling never gets old. I am not complaining.

"Me too." Kol comes over and gives me a kiss with just the right amount of sparks.

Klaus and Elijah laugh at their brothers. "Keep laughing and you won't get a kiss goodnight." I sass back.

"Oh you will give me a kiss, trust me you couldn't resist." Elijah says with a cocky attitude. He was right but I couldn't admit to it.

"Ok sure." I say back to him. He leans over and kisses me on the head. "Good night Elskan." He hums and then goes back to tracing patters on my leg.

Klaus on the other hand was fine, he got me all night right next to him.

"Guys it's Christmas in the morning." Their presents were all wrapped but they were still shoved in the back of my closet.

"Actually love it's Christmas already, it's three in the morning." Klaus says tucking a lose strand of hair behind my ear. "Ok I need sleep or else I'll be very grumpy on Christmas morning."

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now