Chapter 21

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As soon as dawn broke, the morning brightness poured into the space like rushing water. Kol was still in bed and dozing off when the golden rays danced across his face.

I was awake the moment the sun dawned. Kol was on my stomach and unaffected by the sun's rays while I had fallen asleep facing the windows.

Kol groans while tossing and turning in his sleep. His head dropped onto the plush white comforter from my stomach.

He was awake because I could hear his breath growing more frequent. He seemed to be getting ready to crack a corny joke about how I was looking at him.

"Darling, take a photo, it will last longer." He says as his stunning brown eyes open.

"I knew it, I just knew you were gonna say that." I say as a smile grows upon my lips. I feel Kol's hands grab my waist. He pulls me down towards him.

I squeal as I get dragged across the comforter. His hands tighten around my waist as he hovers over me. He looks at my face and we lock eyes. We stay like this for a quick second. It fells like minutes as we gaze at each other "Oh just kiss me already." I say as we break eye contact.

And that's exactly what he did. He dips his head down his hot breath fanning over my lips. Our lips connect as if we were magnetic. I can feel his soft lips pressed against mine as I tangle my hands in his hair.

Our lips move in perfect sync as we kiss. I could feel the soft tickle of his breath on my nose. His hands trickle down below my hips as he gives my butt a gentle squeeze.

My mouth parts in surprise. Kol seizes this moment as he slips his tongue into my mouth. In the confines of our closed jaws, our tongues intertwined and engaged in a war for dominance.

There is a gentle knock at the door making us both jump up from the bed.

"No need to pretend you were sleeping love, I could practically hear it happening." Klaus says from behind my closed door.

I smack Kol's chest as he grins ear to ear. "What jealous brother?" Kol taunts from the comfort of a shut door.

"Jealous, not in the slightest, me and Liz will just have some fun later." Klaus suggests as my face heats up. That sounded dirty. Or maybe I was just thinking a little too dirty.

"Klaus, go away. I'm spending quality time with my darling." Kol says his eyes tracing back towards my lips.

"Finn wants you guys for breakfast in five minutes." Klaus hollers before abruptly walking away. His footsteps linger until they are unheard.

I get out of bed and step onto the chilly, hard floor. I am softly pushed back towards the bed as a lone hand entangles with mine. "Five minutes huh?" Kol teases as I climb towards his embrace.

I chuckle at his insistence on being touched. "Yes, five minutes, my love." I say as we cuddle on top of the pillowy bedsheets.

"Darling, are you ever unhappy about the fact that you were mated?" Kol asks me as a timid sounding voice lingers through the air.

He sounded almost sorry. "No, I'm so lucky that I will always have four people on this earth to love me." My response was sincere. One mate was great, but four, that's a miracle. You were essentially receiving daily blessings from the sky at that time. That's how I felt, too. Blessed.

My shoulder receives a nice kiss from his soft pink lips. "Alrighty let's go, Finn has promised pancakes." I say as abruptly untangle myself from Kol's gentle hold.

"You wanna piggy back ride?" As we get out of bed and onto the floor, Kol asks me. I take a position behind him and nod. He grabs my legs off the floor with just a single hop.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now