Chapter 32

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Tyler arrived as well as the Salvatores so Bonnie's main room was filled with a dead body and supernaturals. "I'm here why'd you need me?" He asked me. His eyes were both angry and confused.

Confusion I understood but anger was an emotion that I couldn't explain from him. "The guy I accidentally killed mentioned that you knew him." I explain leaving out the part about his dying words being that Tyler spoke of me regularly. It made sense to me though.

I talked about all my Mystic Falls friends wherever I went. They were the best conversation starters. Tyler turned in his heel and went over to look at the body. His eyes scanned over the body before he spoke again. "That's Alan. He was in the pack I was helping. The subjects of mates came up and I mentioned how you found yours."

Made sense. "Tyler, and think carefully about this, but did you ever mention that we were her Soulmates?" Finn asks, speaking for the first time since he got here.

"Yeah they were curious." He said as if it was no big deal. The words seemed causal coming off his lips. "So then this was revenge?" Kol asks not quite being in the loop. Elijah looks like he's putting the clues together in his brain.

"You said he was a hybrid?" Elijah asks in Tyler's direction. He ponders for a moment not like he's asking himself the question but rather thinking on how to word it. "Yeah, but he seemed like a nice guy. You know, not the type to try and kill someone."

"How well did you really know him, Ty?" I ask. He seemed displeased with the news that a former hybrid was dead on an umbrella poll. The sight of the gruesome scene would make anyone cringe with disgust. Especially someone who knew him. Especially someone who helped him.

"He was a friend I thought, but friends wouldn't trick me like he did. I guess the friendship meant nothing, he just wanted revenge." He spoke. There was no ounce of remorse in his words. No emotion at all.

"I'm sorry." I said my voice was barely heard but to the vampires in the room, they were loud and clear. "It's not your fault it's mine, I should have never mentioned you or your dogs." He says jokingly and to my surprise a short smile follows. "Sorry Liz." He says.

I knew that Elijah, Finn, and Klaus were too busy talking. Kol was behind me listening closely. I could hear him scoff when Tyler called them my dogs. But nevertheless I walked over to Tyler and gave him a hug. A nice big one too. He wrapped his arms around me.

It only lasted for a second before Kol came over and practically tore him off me. "That's enough buddy." Kol attached me right back into his hip making sure I stayed close. An arm of his was wrapped around my shoulders, keeping me in place.

"Come on let's go home." Klaus says from the other side of the room. Kol leads me towards Klaus. Just a simple hand keeping us connected. Kol puts a hand on the small of my back as he leads me to the door. His other hand stays connected with our fingers still interlocked.

"Darling we didn't drive, so hop in my back and close your eyes." I let out a laugh thinking this was one of Kol's wild ploys to get closer to me but he wasn't joking.

"Oh." I realize. "Hop on and close your eyes." He says in a voice that makes it sound like a pick up line. Well I guess it kinda was. Nevertheless I put my hands on his shoulders and jumped up. His hands snaked under my thighs.

"Close your eyes." I do as I'm told and blackness covers my vision like a blanket. A kiss is pressed on my cheek. Little butterflies start to swirl in my stomach. I open one eye to see Finn next to me.

"Well what was that for?" I ask with a smile.

"I forgot to say hello when I walked in." He said. A satisfactory smirk rests upon his features. He knew the exact reaction I would give him. Kol mutters something once again about closing my eyes.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now