Chapter 14

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Me and Finn arrived at the Mikaelson Mansion.

I reach for the door handle but before I can Finn grabs it from outside and hold the door open for me.

“Well thank you kind sir.” I say taking his hands as he smiles at me.

“So will you drive me to go and pick up Mads?” I ask him since him and Elijah are the only ones who like her.

“Yeah, but I did think that her and Elijah needed to talk about their shopping spree.” Finn added with a smile.

“Ohh yes how silly of me to forget.” I say reaching to knock on the door.

Elijah opens the door. “Yes.” He answers without looking up from the book he was reading.

“Whatcha reading?” I ask with a smile.

Elijah whips his head up from his book to take a look.

“Elizabeth what, what are you doing here? Dinner isn’t for five hours.” He informs me.

“Yeah I know, I got kicked out of school and then me and Finn went on a lunch date. Normal day.” I say sarcastically as if I had not had the most chaotic day ever.

“Oh well come on in Elskan.” Elijah tells me opening the door a little more.

I walk into the house and a wave of smells hits me like a slap in the face.

The smell of spices I couldn’t tell what was being cooked but it smelt devine.

“Hey Lijah Mads, get out of school in a half hour if you want to pick her up with me.” I ask him.

His lips upturned into a big smile. “Why Elskan I would love to.”

“Great.” I say as I wrap my arm around his bicep.

“So now tell me what we are having for dinner.” I say as Finn looks at me.

“Nope, you are very impatient, angel.” Finn tells me with a smile.


“Well I have a kitchen to tend to.” Finn tells me.

“Ok, just one hint.” I yell as he walks away to work in the kitchen.

“No.” He says with his back turned.

I let out a small sigh.

“So Lijah what are you reading?” I ask as we walk to what I’m assuming is his room.

“It’s the mates book.” He says looking at me.

“Oh will you read it to me, I don’t really know anything about mates.” I ask.

“Yes of course Elskan.” He opens a door and we walk through with my arm still wrapped around his bicep.

It was not his bedroom at all; the beautiful room was filled with books from top to bottom. There was a black leather couch in the right corner and a small black desk with a big reading lap next to it.

“Elijah this place is awesome.” I say letting go of his arm to go look around.

I ran over to the bookcase. It has one of those ladders with the wheels.

“It’s my personal library. Some of these things from hundreds of years ago.” He tells me, excited at my eagerness.

“I’m getting distracted, can you read the book to me.” I ask motioning to the mate's book that was still in his hands.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now