Chapter 5

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She excused herself from Finn and walked outside

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She excused herself from Finn and walked outside.

Elizabeth POV

My phone rang and I had to leave my dance partner, Finn, to answer it.

"What is it, Mikael?" I knew who it was, who else called me nowadays.

There was an Erie pause like he was watching my every move."Run, I like the chase."

And with those words the line went dead.

Damn I was wearing heels.

Would it be stupid to run.


Would I be useless?


Would I die like every other person who ran in horror movies?


But I'm still gonna run.

I bent down to rip the shoes off my feet and that's when I heard footsteps.

I got up and ran with one heel still in the parking lot of the Mikaelson Mansion and the other on my foot.

It was hard but I was moving quickly.

Track and field was really paying off.

I ran into the woods.

I dodged trees and roots.

I leapt over the leaves so that it didn't make a sound. I jumped streams and ran over rocks.

I knew I was dead, so I called Stefan.

The phone was dialing.

Pick up. Pick up.

"Hey where are you?" Stephan asks.

"I'm in the woods, listen I don't have much time, tell Care he found me, she will explain. Hurry."

I hung up.

Yeah I could have told him over the phone, but I wasn't ready for the twenty follow up questions. And I didn't have the time.

I may have lost him, but he'll find me.

He always does.

Stefan POV

"Caroline Forbes where, wait who's after Lizzy?"

"Umm I don't know." She says in a really bad lying voice.

"Tell me. Now."

"Mikael is after her and I thought she was lying, not lying, lying, but like not sure of the truth. You know"

I nod. "Yes. So it really is Mikael. Why her though?"

"Well considering he and his wife have come back to life I would assume so."

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now