Chapter 20

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Remember when I sneezed, well I'm kinda sick.

Everyone had their own theories. Maddie thinks I was poisioned, Rebekah says it was that dirtbag Jess and Kol had agreed with her. Elijah and Finn says I caught it from the germy school and that I shouldnt go back and Klaus is just happy that I will be staying hom for a while.

I woke up sneezing and coughing.

Thankfully Finn said he was going to make me breakfast in bed. 

After sleeping in Klaus' bed last night, I woke up early this morning with a head cold.

At least that's what Doctor Elijah diagnosed.

"It's definitely a cold." Elijah says with a know it all change in his voice. His eyes scan over my face his keeping his eyes locked with mine for a quick second before overlooking the rest of my face.

"Well how do you know?" Kol ask him. They have been arguing, him saying I was perfectly fine and Elijah is debating that I need rest. 

I roll over in my bed, my face turning onto the soft white fluffy pillow. I let out a groan. I just wanted to sleep. My eyes were heavy my head was aching.

I need to sleep. "Elskan, honey do you feel sick?" Elijah asks me. I know he was trying to prove a point by asking but the minute those words fell out of his perfect lips it was music to my ears. It felt sweet and genuine.

"Yeah." I whine into my pillow, but when I do it comes out more like muffled words than an actual answer. My throat burns when the words slip out. It felt like a rope burn was forming in my throat.

"Darling I can't hear you there's a pillow in your face." Kol complains as he sits on the side of my bed. His hand grabs my shoulder and he rubs small circles over and over again.

I nod my head this time instead of using words. 

"You need rest, I'll leave you be." Elijah says and even before I can ask him to stay with me he's gone like the wind.

"Ok get some sleep." Kol says as he tries to get up. I grab his hand and pull him right back so that he is sitting on the edge of my bed once more.

"Please stay." I ask Kol. His eyes soften and he pulls the covers off the bed and crawls in. He sits up with his back against the headboard while his hand is rubbing the shoulder area on my back.

His hand traces tiny circles on my back. I can feel his gaze set upon my face. 

"You can turn on the TV if you want." I let him know. I didn't want him to be board just lying here aimlessly.

There is an abrupt knock on my bedroom door "Angel, I brought you tea." Finn tells me as he opens the wooden entrance. A wide smile pastes its way onto my face. 

He hands me the cup as he makes his way over. I take the mug and the liquid warms the cup up with in return heats up my freezing hands. My lips hug the rim of the hot cup and the warm sweet liquid spills down my throat.

I pat the bed next to me telling Finn to come and lay down. His look stays on me for a second before he moves under the covers and comes towards me.

He snakes an arm under my head as he gets comfortable. I had Kol and I had Finn but I still couldn't quite be comfy.

Kol finally picks a channel and Mean girls is playing and it has just started. "Thank you." I told Kol. He whispers a quick of course as I snuggle farther into the bed.

I twist and turn a few more times and I'm still not comfy. I look at Finn and he is watching the Tv with a satisfied layout apon his face. I get up and straddle Finn's lap.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now