Chapter 27

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The girls left early which seemed wrong, since forever it had always been Elizabeth and her best friends around a fireplace drinking cocoa and exchanging stupid trinkets that they found for each other, but this year was a little different.

Not a bad different, just a new different.

Everyone opened their presents. There was a huge mess of wrapping paper and gift boxes scattered across the living room floor, around the tree.

Maddie had run off to go set up her new phone from the Mikaelson Brothers. Elijah figured it was an excellent present considering the girl would be thousands of miles away in just a couple hours.

She already collected everyone's number within a mile radius which included everyone in the house. Her new found love for emojis had everyone's phone blowing up.

Elizabeth was sitting on the couch with her eyes slowly closing with every second. She had only gotten an hour or two worth of sleep that night.

Her phone buzzed, cutting her off from her descent to sleep. She answers the call before checking the name. "Hello?" She says into the electronic device.

"Hey sleepy head, it's Caroline, I forgot to ask but can you come help me judge the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant?"

"Yeah when?" I ask her preparing for a later date. "Two days." Elizabeth's eyes shoot open, not expecting that at all.

"I'm hosting and since you came in second I was wondering if you could judge?" The pageant was two days after Christmas so it was expected that Caroline couldn't get another judge in time.

"Yeah of course." She responds as she turns over on the couch. She was face first down in a stack of pillows she recently bought for the couch.

"Ok thank you." Caroline hung up the call. Elizabeth groaned into a pillow and then stood up off the couch.

Elijah walked into the room as Elizabeth began to stand up, seeing her exhausted expression made a frown appear in his face. "Where are you going?" He asked her.

Her head snapped up unaware of the other occupant in the room. "I have to pick out a dress for the new Miss Mystic Falls beauty pageant." She groaned.

"I know, but you need rest." His eyes softened making the brunette fall right into his trap. "Just a few minutes, wake me up in an hour or two."

Elijah sat down and patted the spot next to him on the couch. Elizabeth sat down and laid right against his shoulder. His arm wrapped around her shoulders as they got comfortable.

Elijah flipped the TV onto the show they had watched the first time he was over at her house, People Puzzler. They took turns guessing answers until Elizabeth had shut her eyes for a moment.

The noise of the tv poured through her ears while her eyes remained shut. Her breathing slowed as she began to drift asleep. Elijah looked down at the girl. He placed a kiss on top of her head thinking she was asleep.

"I love you." He whispered to the supposedly sleeping girl. Elizabeth's heart filled with joy. He had known that he had loved the girl days prior but he could never muster up the courage to say it. She had felt the same way. The first time they met there was a small part of her that had already loved him.

Her heartbeat picked up and Elijah could hear it. "I love you too." She said before he could start to second guess himself. The two mates sat on the couch smiling to themselves before Elizabeth drifted off into sleep.

There was one more surprise that the Mikaelson brothers had up their sleeve. They had one last Christmas gift for Elizabeth.

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