Chapter 29

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Peace and quiet, a common concept. Silence was virtue. But in the Salvatore's residence if a pin dropped it would have not been heard, unless someone stepped on it and cried out in pain.

And well that was normal. I sat down at the long table with Caroline on one side and Damon on the other. Damon grabbed my glass and a bottle of bourbon. He poured the amber liquid into my glass and placed it down right beside me.

He placed a finger to his lips and whispered into my ear, "It'll be our little secret." He always was an alcohol pusher. I send him a slick wink and sip the liquid, it stinging my throat slightly.

I stood up to go walk around the house. The grownups were talking about boring adult stuff. "Hey Elle, wait up I'm coming with." Matt announces. I send him a smile as he walks around to my side of the table. We walk out the back door of the house and into the land behind the house.

"Wanna throw the ball around?" He asked me. I nod my head. As if it was his plan all along he reveals the ball he had in his grasp. "Hey Donovan right here." I say before I cup my hands to make a circular target.

He throws a spiral into my hands hitting my palms perfectly. The sound of the door alerts us of someone's presence. Tyler walks out of the house. "Heads up Lockwolf." I throw the ball to him and he catches it with ease.

Without exchanging words we form a triangle to throw the ball around in. Tyler throws it to Matt and Matt to me. "You guys know what's for dessert?" I ask them.

Matt shrugs his shoulders. "Jenna brought some pie." I nod my head. "What kind, it's a deal breaker." Matt asks. I nod my head, agreeing with him.

"Chocolate pudding and apple I think. I only got a glance before she slapped my hand away." Tyler says, making me and Matt laugh. The ball zips right into my hands before I release it once again to Tyler.

"Can I play?" Someone asks. I turn to see Kol standing in the doorway. His face was unhappy. Maybe he too was bored of the adult conversation inside. Before anyone can turn him down I answer him. "Oh course my love."

He walks towards us not even cracking a smile. "Alright well I call first slice of the chocolate pudding pie." I say trying to continue our previous discussion. Matt throws me the ball. "Then I call apple pie first." Matt announces.

I throw the ball to Kol. We spend an afternoon in the Mikaelsons back yard, me catching him up on the modern sports he had missed. Finn refused to play with us and instead made us lemonade.

Nevertheless he caught the ball with ease and then chucked it into Tyler's hold. The ball made a slap sound when it came in contact with his hands. It bounced off his plans and hit him in the stomach. "Kol, honey, maybe a little softer." I tell him. He doesn't spare me a glance.

"Ok" he grunts out. Ty threw it to Matt and Matt to me and then me to Kol. Then once again Kol chucked it right at Tyler.

"Kol." I warned him. "Whatever." Tyler mumbles. The square of football continues until Kol's turn where he once again uses all of his might to hit Tyler.

"Really?" I ask him. What has gotten into him. He doesn't make eye contact with me. My anger grows before I storm over to him. I grab his arm and drag him along with me. "Come on."

I drag him inside with me. My whole body whips around to face him. His eyes are filled with rage. "What was that about? What could have possibly made you so mad?" He doesn't answer me and instead sits down on the chair behind him.

"Was it me? Did I do something wrong?" I ask him. His eyes visibly soften. "No, of course not Darling." That just confused me.

"Then what?"


"Tyler? What about Tyler?"

"He was practically flirting with you." He says. He was jealous. My Kol was jealous of another. I could help but smile at him.

"This isn't funny, he's flirting with you." Kol complains. I walk over closer to him. He pulls me by my hands. His arms wrap around my waist and pull me into his lap.

"You don't have to worry about him." I told Kol. Him and Caroline were dating, I've told him that. "That's what you told your friends about me and my brothers."

He was right. "But it's different, I love you, not them." I tell him. His smile grows from a straight line to a full toothy grin. "Ok good." His eyes glance to my lips and then back into my eyes. I lean in and attach my lips into his. His hands move into my waist. He licks the bottom of my lip asking for entrance.

"Gross, get off him, we need to talk." Damon says. I give him the side eye. "Go away." I tell him.

"You'll wanna hear this."

"Fine." I sigh.

I get up off of Kol's lap and walk towards Damon. "Oh and you mister, go apologize to Tyler." I say pointing my index finger towards him. "Alright you fun killer, where are we going?"

"The study, follow me." We walk passed the dining room where I receive worried glances from Finn and Klaus. I send a gentle smile their way telling them I'll be ok.

Damon pulls me into a room and pushes me into a small couch. "Gentle, I'm delicate." I say. I look around to see Stefan and Elijah looking at me. "Gosh, who died." I ask them.

"No one, this is about your birth parents." Stefan says. He had made it his mission to try and track them down. At first they thought that I had something to do with Isobel Flemming and Jonathan Gilbert, but Isobel admitted to only having one daughter.

So by coincidence she was left on the same doorstep on the same day. "Ok." It was a piece of me that I have wanted to know about for the longest time.

I was happy now though, they didn't want me and now I have a great life without them. But the thought still tugged at my brain as to who they could be. My early memories failed me, I dont remember a thing.

"They're last known location was New Orleans." A long ways away. A long distance from my life. Part of me will always want to meet them but part of me will always want to ignore the disappointment that meeting these unwanted people will bring.

"Then never bring me to New Orleans." I tell them. They exchange glances. "Whatever you wish, Elskan." Elijah says as he approaches me. I stand up to leave. "Thank you."

"Anytime Ellie." Stefan runs his fingers through my hair and move them side to side, messing my straight combed out hair up. Stefan walks out the door and Damon follows but not before raising his glass telling me he needed a refill.

Elijah stands right in front of me. His hands rub up and down my arms. "Are you alright?" He asks me before I look up at him. I smile and nod my head. "Perfect." Elijah leans down and plants a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Come on, it's time for dessert." He says. Elijah's hand lands on my shoulder as we walk out of the room. We walk out of the study and straight into the kitchen. All the dessert is gone, and so is everyone else.

We walked into the living room next because we heard laughter from that room. I smile when I see Kol talking to Tyler, Rebekah talking to Caroline and Klaus talking with Aunt Jenna. I was happy to see them all socializing.

"Angel, come sit down." Finn tells me as he pats the spot on the couch next to him. I sit down and he pulls out a plate with a slice of chocolate pudding pie resting elegantly on top of the paper disk. My eyes shimmer with gratitude.

"Thank you." 

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now