Chapter 22

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It's currently three in the morning. Somehow I had drifted off to sleep at like twelve and woken up at three.

Those two aren't good if you want a happy Liz.

I needed my sleep.

I'm pressed up against Finn's back with his arms wrapped around my torso. I have my elbow sprawled out on top of Klaus' chest with his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

There's a peaceful silence in the room. "Are you awake?" I hear Finn whisper into my ear. I jump from surprise, but respond with a quiet yes. Making sure not to wake Klaus.

"Come on." He whispers in my ear as he tangles his hands around mine. He pulls gently on my hand telling me to follow him.

I place a small kiss on Klaus lips before crawling out of bed with Finn.

We creep slowly out the door and head towards the stairs. I've been in this house long enough to know where all the creaky hinges, steps, and windows are so sneaking around was quite easy.

"Good morning." Finn says, pinning me against the wall. I was surprised when my back came into contact with the hard barrier.

"It's three in the morning, more like good night." I whisper correcting him. His lips turn up at my preciseness.

"Yeah yeah." He says kissing me so that I can't argue back. That sly dog.

What starts out as a simple kiss soon escalates as he becomes hungry for more. He gently nips at my lower lip as he grabs my waist.

He hooks his hands under my knees and pulls them up making me straddle his waist.

The air behind me whips around as my hair goes flying. Finn then pulls away and I see we are in the kitchen.

He sits me down on the tall countertop as he pulls away. He looks at me for a second and I turn on the Lizzy charm.

A pout makes its way to my face and I can see the guilt setting in. He swoops back in to peck my lips very quickly and walks his way towards the freezer.

When the freezer opens a loud sound is made. "Finn." I say in a yell whisper so that I gain his attention. He whips his head around and I put a finger up to my lips telling him to be quiet.

He nods his head and continues his search through the freezer.

Within a few seconds of looking he pulls out a tub of ice cream. He walks over with a sly smile on his face. "Living on the edge." He says as he grabs two spoons from the drawer.

He comes and sits on the counter with me. I grab the tub of ice cream and peel off the lid. He hands me the spoon and I dig in. 

I scoop up the creamy dessert and spoon it into my mouth. The cold ice cream clashes onto my tongue, cooling down my mouth.

"You want some fruit?" I ask him. He looks at me side eyed. "Sure." He was probably in shock that I would eat something healthy. I skip over to the fridge and pull out some blueberries.

"I'm surprised your eating fruit." He comments as I come back with the delicious blueberries.

"I like fruit." I say defending myself. I did like fruit. It was something sugary that was good for you.

"Then why do I always have to make you eat it at breakfast." He counteracts. 

"Because I like pancakes better." I tell him as I spoon more ice cream into my mouth.

His laughter fills the air from our little conversation.

We eat ice cream until we are full.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now